Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gabe: Blog of the Day 1

      If your wondering Max, The Eiffel Tower is not made out of legos.  It is also not a transformer waiting to transform and rule the world.  Paris is in France and France is in Europe.  Max, it was built in 1889 in Europe.  It was built by Gutave Eiffel and a whole bunch of other people.  He was a French engineer.
        It was built for France's World Fair Exposition Universelle.  The city of Paris paid for it.  It is the tallest man made structure in the world.  It is 1,069 feet tall.  If you tried to hang glide off of it you would fall.  If they didn't add the point on top of it, the Chrysler Building would be taller.  There are three hundred steps just on the bottom floor of The Eiffel Tower. 
       On June 3, 1902 a lightning strike hit the Eiffel tower.   It didn't damage it, but it bounced off. Here is a photograph taken when the lightning hit the tower.


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