Thursday, January 12, 2012

Connor: Blog Of The Day

It seemed to be yet another average day for George the comic shop owner.  He was ready to sell as many comic books as possible.  He looked out the window as he switched the closed sign to open.  To his amazement he saw a man in a spider-man costume standing in front of his shop.  Thinking this would be good for publicity George went back to work setting up his stock of comics.
     After a while George heard a noise from upon the roof, of all possible places, and thought to look.  Yet this was only a thought, with which he proceeded, and it couldn't possibly be the man in the costume.  George walked up to the door and peered through the glass window.  To his confusion the man had seemed to no longer be there.  Rather than jump to conclusions George walked outside and looked up at the rooftops.  He looked up just in time to see spider-man on his roof and climbing to other roofs.
   "So much for a publicity stunt.  That man is just not ordinary!  He's going to scare of the shoppers!" Thought George as he watched stunned with amazement.  He walked into his  store and went back to work again.  Suddenly the door opened and in walked the man, on the ceiling as opposed to the floor.  The man looked down at George and said "Hello sir, I couldn't help but notice that my ability is distracting you from your work.  I will stop climbing your ceiling right now."  The man fell of the ceiling and landed on both feet with the help of a single thread and said "I would like to buy a comic book, my good man.  Preferably a Spider-Man issue to be more precise."
     George looked at the guy and said "sure thing." as he turned toward the shelves he asked "what's with the mask anyway?  Are you trying to be like Spider-Man?"  The man stood there and said in a serious tone "I am spider-man.  Now as for paying you for the comic how much will it cost me?"
   George said in a calm tone "It comes to about five dollars for the comic."   The man said "okay" and handed George the cash.  Reading the comic the man said "HOLY COW! My secret identity has been revealed by this comic!"  The man pulled of his mask and revealed himself to be Peter Parker.  George said "This can't be real you're not physically fit enough to be Spider-Man."
     After pointing out this fact George woke up sweating and got ready for yet another normal, non-exciting day at his store.  The End


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