Sunday, January 1, 2012

Avery: Polar Plunge!

This morning at 10:00 o' clock, we all put on awesome shirts that Nana made. We gathered many towels and headed down to the lake. When walking down we saw a dead snake! It was really gross and cool at the same time. We had everyone line up in front of the ladder. We jumped in the water as fast as we could and tried to get it over with fast. The water was 59 degrees (it was 45 degrees outside)! I thought it was going to be way warmer than that. We got out fast while everyone was screaming. My legs went numb and I thought I was going to die. Although, I sometimes over react to things. I had an awesome time and I promise I will do it again next year!



Y'all are crazy!!
I think you should charge people to participate!
Maybe the money can go to a cause (or something fun). They did it downtown and at the Shady Hallow Pool, too. Crazy!!
I'd make Pete and the boys do it for sure -but me? Hmm I'd rather take pictures and hold the nice dryer warmed towels!

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