Saturday, January 21, 2012

Connor: Blog Of The Day

Max, I'm sure you're sick of reading this over and over, I'm sorry the Eiffel Tower is not made of  Legos. It is however a tall man made structure in the city of love.  Paris, France is also called the city of lights among other things.  Paris is in Europe.  France to be exact.  The tower has a heck of a lot of stairs, which I wish instead it had an elevator.
  The Eiffel Tower was built in the eighteen hundreds.  This tower was built by a man of the same name.  The man's name was Gustave Eiffel.  He built the tower to celebrate the French Revolution.  Many people helped build the giant tower.  Although with the extreme risk of falling to one's death you would not want to have worked.
   Gustave built the tower to be taller than the Millau Viaduct.  At the time of building it was taller than the Washington Monument here in America!  Not only that but now it is taller than the Chrysler Building, a tall skyscraper!  The tower is a large, gigantic, amazing structure.  Now the Eiffel Tower is the symbol of Paris, like who another famous French structure is the symbol of America.
  So, just to tell you, the building is gigantic!  The citizens of Paris, that means the people who live in Paris, are proud of the monument.  Gustave Eiffel built many buildings one in Paris and a few in South America.  Talk about good building!  It is bigger than a large skyscraper.  I hope you found this interesting Max!


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