Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Daddio: Blog Of The Day 1

You asked for it, you got it.  Max wanted to know about the Eiffel Tower.  Is it just a giant lego sculpture?  Is it a transformer waiting to transform and rule the world?  We know it's in Paris, France-- but where is it in Paris?  When was it built?  And by who?  And why?  And who paid for it?  And how tall is it?  And what would happen if you tried to hang glide from the top of it in a giant kite?

Look, I could answer all these questions for Max, but I've been really sick the last week and I'm busy.  So I'm giving the responsibility to you.  Using your online sources (Factmonster, Google, etc.) I want you to research the Eiffel Tower and write a report.  Your report has to be three paragraphs long at a minimum.

BUT HERE'S THE MOST IMPORTANT PART:  Your report has to be written for Max.  He's your intended audience.  So make sure you're writing it on a level that he'll understand.


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