Friday, January 20, 2012

Avery: Blog Of The Day

The Secret
       My head was pounding with a terrible headache, so I sat down on the park bench and rubbed my eyes.  When I opened them there was a strange little girl wearing an old-fashioned dress and a scarf over her hair.  She flashed a peculiar smile and said, "I have to tell you a secret."  I was tired and confused.  She came towards me and held on to my shoulder with a tight grip.  Everything went black and my headache got even worse.
      I woke up in a little shack in the middle of nowhere.  I stood up and looked out the window, it was snowing more snow than I've ever seen.  The trees and ground were covered in blankets of little ice crystals.  "Hello?", I asked.  No one answered, but I heard footsteps coming near me along with a cold breeze.  "Hello?!  Where am I?  Hello?!" I started screaming "Hello!", waiting for the footsteps to talk to me.
       "Hi, Phineas.", said a shadow in the dark corner.
       "What do you want from me?!  Where am I!"
      She interrupted my questions.  "I've been watching you Phineas.  Every day and night.  How boring your life is.  You go to work, come home, try getting your girlfriend to accept your apology over the phone.  Then you go sit in your room and cry, cry like a little girl." She talked slowly and came closer until I could see her face.  She was wearing small sunglasses that hardly fit her, and her dress was very old fashioned.  Her shoes were ballet flats covered in dirt and some type of dust. 
     "I'm confused, who are you?", I calmly asked her. 
     "That is something you don't want to know.  I'm giving you a chance.", she continued. "A chance to start over your life.  If you went a different direction at that party, where you met your girlfriend, you would have met someone else.  A rich woman who thought you were handsome. Handsome enough to be a model."
       Everything went black again and I woke up in a studio in a tux.  A man came up to me and said rudely "Come on, we don't have all day!  Stop napping and get in front of the green screen."



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