Saturday, January 21, 2012

Daddio: Max's B-Day Night Out!

It's Max's turn!  We had his party this afternoon and left at 2 pm.  We went to McDonald's and got lunch and picked up two movies from Redbox-- Cars 2 and a Mario Brothers cartoon movie.  Then we drove to the La Quinta in Cedar Park.  While I was setting up the Wii to the TV, Max played with the greatest toy he's ever received, Flarp.  You take slime out and push it back into this plastic container and it makes a loud fart noise.  It's the funniest thing he's seen "in his whole life!"

Oh yeah, and he also got a mohawk for his birthday.  Then we played Kirby, went swimming and now he's been playing with Flarp for the last half hour.  Oh, Flarp!

I'll try to post a video later, but it's a pretty big file and may take too long.


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