Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Avery: Blog Of The Week 1

The Shirt!
by Avery Jones
       One day a man named Taylor was walking around in a movie making studio.  He had no idea what he was doing there and no one would answer him when he asked.  At one point he stood on a table in the lunch room and screamed "Where am I?!" and fell to the ground, almost crying.  An old man, around maybe 72 years old walked up to Taylor and gave him a shirt.  He asked what it was for and the man said to put it on.  So he did!
       After the shirt was on him the man ran off faster than he should of.  He was running as fast as a 5 year old kid.  Taylor stood there lost and confused.  He followed one woman with a clipboard all the way to a green screen.  He looked up at it and smiled and thought I'm going to be in a movie huh?  He was excited but worried because he had no idea who he was playing, what the lines were, and anything movie related.
       The woman with a clipboard came up to Taylor and had him sign a paper.  He put his name on it and wondered what it was for.  He decided not to ask because he knew no one on earth was going to answer him there.  Lots of men with cameras pointed at Taylor, who was in front of the green screen.  He smiled and waited for the camera to "take the picture". 
     "Hey!  What happened to your lines?!  Rip your shirt off and run off screen.", said an angry man.
     "Sorry!  I don't even know what's going on here.", replied Taylor.
     "We are filming Twilight, Breaking Dawn Part1."
       Taylor never heard of the movie.  But he did what he was told, just to get it over with.  Ripping his shirt in half, he ran off the screen.
       After getting fired from his horrible acting, Taylor started building houses for the homeless with some nice people.
THE END!!!!!


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