Thursday, January 19, 2012

Connor: Civil War Journal

September 18, 1862

      Those rebels shot me! My arm has been aching.  Dang those Johnny Rebs!  I remember standing amongst the privates and colonels and the general told me to fire.  I told the younger soldiers that we could win.  I stood there firing at the Rebs.  I saw one of the soldiers fall.  I'm not sure if I will survive the rest of the war.  I've heard many men have died in this hospital area of illness and battle wounds and some even need replacement limbs.  I hope that I go back to my wife and Billy in one piece rather than have them notified of my death.  I stood there looking at the soldiers and once the rebs ceased fire for a moment I went to check on the men.  I saw a man from our neighborhood with a bullet in his gut.  I would have offered to help him, but he and those with injuries like his were as good as dead.  Could have taken about two maybe three days till he kicked the bucket.  I hope the lord blesses him for serving his country.  I saw a few men who fought alongside me in the past wars fall in battle as well.  As each day passes I pray for the souls of the departed in our regiment always knowing that at some point during this war there is a possibility that I may be among them.  After the battle I offered to go out and give each casualty a proper burial and send a notification of his death to his family.  I hate this war, it's worse than the ones I fought in in the past.  I feel defeated my arm is injured and I have to wait a few days till I can give those rebs some payback!
From  The Desk Of Alfred A. Scales on September 18, 1862.


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