Sunday, November 11, 2012

Marney: Show and Tell

I have not talked about park day in a while so I am going to tell you guys about it.  On park day we went to Johnson park and almost all of our friends came. I mostly played with Hannah and Miki.  When no one but us and Miki's family was there I played race car's with Miki and Kiki then my car broke so we put them away.  Then we went and played on the tire swings and it made me want to barf.  Then Hannah got there and I played with her.  We played a lot with the little kids then we went to the waterfall.  After that we went down the big slides and we got really tired of that so we went on the tire swings again.  After that had to go and I said good bye to all of my friends and we went home,we were all very tired.  


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