Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Avery: Show and Tell

       So I haven't talked about Joan's Academy in awhile, so I'm going to tell you about that.
       My first class was geography with Mrs. Kraft.  We talked over some vocabulary words and what they meant.  We now have over 50 vocabulary cards to memorize.  But they are easy to remember, so it's not so hard.  We also got a bit off topic every now and then.  Our off topic conversations were about super heroes, death, and some other things that I can't remember right now.  When we were finally back to class we went over who will write about which country in South America.  I chose Venezuela... mainly because I like the name and know nothing about it.  So now I get to learn something new!  This week for homework we have to study our vocab cards and notes and look up some facts about the country we picked to see if it's the country we actually want to write two pages about.  I looked some things up about Venezuela and I like what I've read so far about it.  I like geography class, mostly because we get to use more maps more this week  and she will test us all on the vocab words to make sure we know them well enough and I know almost all the words, so I do pretty good.
       My next class was science with Mrs. Carder.  We did some fun(-ish) experiments during class this week.  We would put pieces of chalk in different liquids and would write down our hypothesis on what would happen later.  We put chalk in water, diet coke, 5% vinegar, 9% vinegar, and then we put an eg in vinegar.  The water made the chalk much whiter, the diet coke just made it brown... nothing else.  The 5% vinegar was supposed to shrink it but we didn't have enough time to see it happen.  The 9% vinegar was supposed to do the same thing, but we still didn't see anything happen yet.  I think she is bringing the chalk back next week to show us what happened.  I am not for sure if she is or not though.  For homework we have to do some type of lab, I am waiting for an email from her.  I kinda like this class, the teacher is a bit strict, but that doesn't matter.
       My third class before lunch is English class with Brett Reeves.  He is my favorite teacher of them all (besides you mom!).  If I'm being honest, I think I have the weirdest English class EVER!  Probably because it's a class of guys and Kalli, Elise and I are the only girls.  But they are all different and have their own weird personalities.  We got way, way, way off topic in class this week, but we talked a little bit about our projects for the class.  Kalli, Elise, and I are on a team and we are going to write a story about the Chinese, American war.  During the war a zombie virus starts going around and there is a team of survivors that looks for a cure.  I can't tell you more than that right now.  English is my favorite and most interesting class of the day.
       Next was lunch, like always I know it's not a class, but it's part of my day at Joan's.  I ate lunch with the people I always eat lunch with (Natalie, Mariah, Kalli, and Elise).  I had a super yummy chicken salad.  Then after lunch we had to vote for the elementary class's mascot.  I voted for Bob because he has an awesome name, he will carry everyone's backpack, and will help everyone with their homework.  Then we got thirty minutes to be outside.  Outside I hung out with my friends Fischer, Kalli and Elise.  We just talked about random things.
       Then I went to my nutritional science class with Mrs. Carder.  We did little experiments with crackers.  We got to eat them!  For a very long time, you had to chew on them without swallowing.  It was really gross, it made me want to throw up.  We also talked about the digestive system a little bit and she explained why we had to do that gross experiment.  Honestly, I do hate going to that class, it is boring and has a lot of homework that we have to do over the week.  I asked to drop out, but I can't until next semester.
       My second to last class is art with Ms. Ober.  In celebration of The Day of the Dead we made little clay skulls.  She had to take ten minutes of our class just telling us how to use the clay and how to make the skull and how to add stuff onto it.  First, she would give you a cube of soft clay that you had to keep hitting until it was round.  It wasn't hard at all because the clay was super soft.  Then you would find one part of the skull and squeeze the it just a little with the palm of your hand.  Then you have the shape of your skull!  Next you use your thumbs to push down on the clay to make eye sockets.  Next you use your pinky finger to make a little triangle(-ish) shape for the nose.  Then you will use an unfolded paperclip to make little lines for teeth and any decorations you wanted to add.  I drew little flower all over mine.  Then (my favorite step) you draw a little quarter sized circle on the bottom of you skull and then get one of your tools to hallow out the skull.  It has to be hallow so that it dries much faster.  Then I used the insides of the skull to make a little bow to put on top of it's head.  I am going to get it back next week, so if I remember to, I'll post some pictures on the blog.  I love art class! It is very peaceful and quite, unlike most of my classes.
       My last class was gym with Mr. Maverick.  We played a game called Capture the President.  It's is just like capture the flag but with a person, and they are aloud to run away from you.  Mariah and Jace were the presidents.  No body won because the game went on to long and we had to stop.  We had enough time to fit in an extra game at the end.  We played kickball outside.  I don't know who won, I think it was the other team, my team wasn't the best. I like gym class, my favorite game that we have played in class would have to be sardines.
       That was my day at Joan's! Hope you enjoyed this extremely long post!


The Jones Family

I very much enjoyed your very long post...sorry you don't like your NS class but you seem to have fun learning in all your other classes. Can't wait to see your skull...Nana

The Jones Family

nice blog post

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