Monday, November 26, 2012

11/26/12 Weekly Blog Post

It's Christmas time!  As you know, we decorated our tree last weekend and got the whole house ready for the holidays.  For this week's blog post, I want you to research how Christmas is celebrated in other cultures.  Search for how they celebrate Christmas on a different continent and then write two paragraphs about it.

As the second part of your blog post, I want you to research what other religions or cultures celebrate during this time of year other than Christmas.  What do you know about Bodhi Dayj, Eid al-Ahathe, the Hajj, or Festivus? Try to find something you don't know anything about, but if you're having trouble finding something- then you can also read up on Kwanzaa or Hanukkah and write about those.  This portion of your post also needs to be two paragraphs long.


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