Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Avery Jones: Show And Tell

       Today I am going to tell you about my "internet addictions".
        An internet addiction is exactly what it sounds like... it is something (website, video game, email) on the internet that you are addicted to.  For example my internet addictions are: Pinterest, Facebook, my email, and (sometimes) youtube.
       Pinterest is a  little hard to explain, so just a heads up, this might be a little bit confusing.  You know how you can make bookmarks on your computer to keep websites, and articles you see online?  Well that's is kinda what Pinterest is, expect it's a website.  You make these boards on your home page then categorize them by giving each board a name.  So for example I have a board called "Just Gotta Laugh" that means I "pin" things I think are funny to that board.  To pin something from a random website to your board you have to get a pin button off of pinterest and put it on your tools bar, then you press the pin button and then pick the board you want to pin it to.  Then you have added something to your board! Here is a link to my Pinterest page so you can see how the boards work.
       I'm pretty sure that everyone that reads this knows what Facebook is.  But I will try to explain it.  It's kinda like the adult twitter (on Facebook people don't post that much about what they had for lunch).  It's a social media where you can find your friends and then friend them on Facebook so you can chat, poke each other, and embarrass each other by posting "remember when..." posts on their wall.  You can also post photos and posts on your own wall about whatever you'd like.  Some people talk about how life is, others post funny things they found (possibly on Pinterest), some post quotes from people, movies, books, etc.  You can also like pages and they post things on their page.  I use Facebook mostly for talking to friends, and posting random things on my wall.
       My email..... well, there is not much to say.  I'm too impatient to send a handwritten letter in a mail.  I use it only for school, or to make plans with friends (but I use my phone most times for that).  That's about all I have to say about it.
       Youtube is a website where you can post videos of anything, but the whole world will see it (so be careful what you put on it).  There are many categories: Recommend for you, most popular, auto and vehicles, comedy, entertainment, film and animation, gaming,  howto and style, nonprofits and activism, people and blogs, pets and animals, science and technology, and travel and events. When you go to Youtube the first thing that pops up is the home page, which is the most popular category. when they say most popular they mean most viewed.  Just because they are most veiwed doesn't mean the videos have good reviews   I mean, come on, just Bieber's Baby music video didn't go so well.  But Gangnam Style did awesome and is now the most viewed video in the the world right now.
       So yeah, that was my show and tell... hope you enjoyed it!


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