Friday, November 16, 2012

Avery: Show and Tell

       For my show and tell this week I am going to talk to you about my project for my English Class at Joan's Academy.  For our project we had to form groups of 3.  I am of course in a team with my friends Kalli and Elise.  I think we probably have the best story out of all the groups.  We are a step ahead of all the groups and have already finished our story.  I can post the whole thing today, but I might be able to for the next Show and Tell.  I can give you the summary of our awesome story, and here it is!

It starts out after the first part of the war, with the main character, Magnus, at a celebration party celebrating the war being over. Everyone around her is drunk and acting stupid, but she's underage and to smart to do that anyway. Then they all hear an explosion that rocks the building, but no one pays any attention to it, except for Magnus and Samantha. Samantha runs and grabs Magnus, taking her down to a series of  underground rooms, in which Sam collects a counteractant to a disease that she explains to Magnus the Chinese have just set of as a final revenge. It will turn everyone into will-less undead. They try to rescue the rest of the revelers, but are only able to get Magnum, Magnus's twin brother, Cosmo, a gay guy who is completely scared of everything, and Declan, a very tough, seasoned war veteran, before the rest are infected. The escapees set about protecting themselves, and then trying to find other survivors when they hear that the airborne disease has backfired and infected half of both the USA and Chinese nationalities. Cosmo is unwilling to help with any of it, just wanting to survive, until he finds that his mother has been infected, then becoming involved. Magnum and Sam try to find a cure for the infection, but are unsuccessful. Then Sam uncovers that they don't need to find a cure! The Chinese have already invented one! But the war rages across the entire US, (the presidents of both nations have ordered that the troops fight even though the undead are all over the place and it will only make things worse) so how can the surviving rebels make it to LA, where the Chinese war base is? And to make things even worse, Magnum rebels. He doesn't want the disease to end, he is fascinated by it, and wants to study it as long as he is safe. He asks Magnus to help him, he doesn't want to kill her like he is planning to kill the others. But she refuses, and ends up having to kill him to stop him. The Chinese surrender against the combined strength of many of the survivors (both Chinese and Americans.) They find the cure, set this second airborne spread off, and wait for it to end.


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