Thursday, November 29, 2012

Avery: Weekly Blog Post

        I am going to tell you about Christmas in Venezuela! Venezuela is a catholic country, so they focus more on the birth of Baby Jesus.  Starting on December 16th everyone is woken up with firecrackers, bells and loud noises.  They are all being called together for worship.
       To decorate they put tons of Christmas lights on and around their homes and Christmas trees up in their houses.  Lots of homes decorate for more of a nativity scene (mountains, hills, plains, valleys, etc.).  Sometimes people will get farm animals, like sheep and cows.
       The main celebration of Christmas is on the 24th of December when they all set off firecrackers and then have a big happy feast together.
Here is a picture of some decorations they put up.

       Bodhi Dayj is a Buddhist holiday celebrating the day that Buddha found enlightenment.  Buddha sat under a Pipul tree and meditated until he found the root of suffering.  Some people say he was harassed by the god Mara (which in Sanskrit means destroyer), the demon of illusion.
       People celebrate Bodhi Dayj very differently.  Some people meditate, study the Dharma, chanting Buddhist texts, or be kind to others around them.  Some people just simply celebrate by a cup a tea, cake, and readings with their families and friends.
Here is a picture of a state of Buddha meditating.


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