Friday, November 16, 2012

Avery: Weekly Blog Post

1- He wants to give the Americans the chance to learn skills they need to complete.

2- He wants it to be so that women have the same rights as men and they can control their own life.

3-  He said he is planning to end the war in Afghanistan in 2014.

4- He wants it so that Iran does not get any nuclear weapons.

5- He wants for more people to get their college degrees

If he does that then there would be more educated people, possibly more people in the military.

If women have the same rights as men, that would be awesome.  There would be less arguing between people and that would make a lot of problems in the world go away.

I don't actually know if he could make the war end in 2014, but if he could then that would b a great accomplishment.

He said that he can't have Iran have any nuclear weapons because they can't afford to fight back with nuclear weapons, it's too expensive.

That means more people will most likely get their college degrees.


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