Friday, November 30, 2012

Gabe: Weekly Blog Post

       I am telling you about Christmas in Italy.  In Italy they have a lot of nativity scenes.  In Naples they have a big one with 600 things in it.  A lot of people have nativity scenes in their house.  On Christmas night they all carol.  They don't eat on Christmas day until midnight mass, which is a big feast.
      Their Christmas lasts for three weeks.  They have a lot of Italian cake at midnight mass.  Befana is their Santa, she is a nice witch on a broom stick and she always comes on the 6th of January.  They eat a lot of stuff at their midnight mass.  They eat a lot of pasta at midnight mass.
      Another holiday celebrated around December is Hajj.  Hajj is a Pilgrimage (a Journey to a sacred place).  Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam.  It is the largest pillar of Islam.  It is from the 8th-12th of the 12th month of the year.  They celebrate this in the Islamic religion around the world.
      Some people travel in groups to the sacred place.  They go to Mecca, Saudi Arabia by boat.  This was started in 2,000 bce.  It was started in Muhammad's era.  They go to Mecca and walk counter clock wise around a big chest thing.


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