Saturday, November 3, 2012

Avery: Show And Tell

       As you all already know, I have told you about my complete costume.  But sense I didn't have any pics of it here is one:
      My awesome friend Kalli stayed with us for Halloween.  So I will now tell you about her costume that Nana, Kalli, and I came up with in under five minutes.
       Her costume was a cannibal bride.  She eats her husbands!!  She wore a white lace dress, cat crocks, a bow veil, and carried colorful flowers.  Her makeup was fun to do.  She had on normal makeup and we tried to put on colorful fake eyelashes (just because they looked awesome).  We had a difficult time with that because in the middle of putting on her fake eyelashes we lost the bottle of eyelash glue.  So we gave up and she didn't wear them. Later we found out that the eyelash glue was glued to her dress and we just didn't notice it. 


The Jones Family

You girls looked the best ever but the best part of the night was when Kalli found the glue...loved it...Nana

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