Friday, November 30, 2012

Marney: Blog Of The Week

Costa Rica 

In Costa Rica People decorate their houses with tropical flowers of all different colors.  In Costa Rica near December 3rd people have plays for other people and there is one big one called Pasito or Portal.  Most people call it Pasito. They decorate the stage with fruits and flowers, they also decorate the walls of the stage and paint houses and things like that.  Most of the homes and shops there are decorated with Christmas lights and wreaths that have wild berries on them. 
     Most people call Santa,  the gift giver, Colacho, or Saint Nicholas. On Christmas Eve almost everyone dresses up fancy and goes to the town square where all the lights are.  After Christmas and into January they have parades and and parties and festivals.  After all of that the have a big feast.
Some things at pasito
     Another holiday in North America in December is Kwanzaa.  Kwanzaa is a week long celebration.  It starts on December 26 and ends on the first of January.  You have to have 7 candles.  There are always 3 red candles that stand as blood shed.  The one black one stands for the African race and the three green stand for land of Africa.
 hanukkah candles 
Kwanzaa candles

     Jewish people around the world celebrate Hanukkah at this time of the year.  Hanukkah is also known as the festival of lights.  It is a week and one day celebration.  Using the Hanukkah lights for other things is forbidden.   On the first night of Hanukkah the blessing are said right before the candles are lit.  There are three blessings.  On the first night the first two blessings are said.   

Marney: Show And Tell

For my show and tell I am going to tell you guys about swim team.  I have been going to the Longhorn Aquatics swim team for a while now and on Tuesday I went for a practice.  At my practice I got there just a tiny bit late, then I got in the pool and did one IM.  A IM is where you do one lap of butterfly stroke, one lap of backstroke, one lap of breaststroke and one lap of freestyle stroke.  Then I had to do four laps kicking with my kick board.  Then I had do a lap of backstroke, then I had to do a lap of freestyle kick.  Then I had to do 14 laps without stopping and we had to go really fast when doing that.  My favorite part of swim team is the end where we practice diving off, but we didn't do that on Tuesday.

Gabe: Weekly Blog Post

       I am telling you about Christmas in Italy.  In Italy they have a lot of nativity scenes.  In Naples they have a big one with 600 things in it.  A lot of people have nativity scenes in their house.  On Christmas night they all carol.  They don't eat on Christmas day until midnight mass, which is a big feast.
      Their Christmas lasts for three weeks.  They have a lot of Italian cake at midnight mass.  Befana is their Santa, she is a nice witch on a broom stick and she always comes on the 6th of January.  They eat a lot of stuff at their midnight mass.  They eat a lot of pasta at midnight mass.
      Another holiday celebrated around December is Hajj.  Hajj is a Pilgrimage (a Journey to a sacred place).  Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam.  It is the largest pillar of Islam.  It is from the 8th-12th of the 12th month of the year.  They celebrate this in the Islamic religion around the world.
      Some people travel in groups to the sacred place.  They go to Mecca, Saudi Arabia by boat.  This was started in 2,000 bce.  It was started in Muhammad's era.  They go to Mecca and walk counter clock wise around a big chest thing.

Gabe: Show and Tell

           Yesterday in gym we played Quidditch!!!  In Quidditch you split into two teams and there are three balls, 2 bludgers and 1 quaffle.  You have two goals and you can only score with the quaffle.  You use the bludgers to hit people to distract them.  At the end of the game the snitch is thrown and the team who catches the snitch gets fifteen points.  Then the game is over.  My team scored 11, their team scored 5.  At the end they won because they caught the 15 point snitch.  It was really fun!

Mason: Weekly Blog Post

     Japan celebrate Christmas differently than we do.  How they celebrate Christmas is by spreading happiness.  They do get cards and presents.  They celebrate Christmas Eve more than Christmas day.  How they celebrate Christmas Eve is how we celebrate Valentine's Day.  Couples go out and look at Christmas lights and go to dinner.  They exchange presents.  On Christmas day they have a Christmas cake, which is made out of spongecake with whipped cream and strawberries.

Mason: Show and Tell

On Thanksgiving we had a lot of fun!  We got Pookie, she is two years old. Then me, Gabe, Connor and Dad went to see Red Dawn.  It was a good move, I liked it.  Then we had our Thanksgiving feast, the feast was great.  Thanksgiving was fun and I can not wait for Christmas.

Dogsland by Max

The dogs found a city.  They called it "Dogsland" because it was filled with dogs.  

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Avery: Weekly Blog Post

        I am going to tell you about Christmas in Venezuela! Venezuela is a catholic country, so they focus more on the birth of Baby Jesus.  Starting on December 16th everyone is woken up with firecrackers, bells and loud noises.  They are all being called together for worship.
       To decorate they put tons of Christmas lights on and around their homes and Christmas trees up in their houses.  Lots of homes decorate for more of a nativity scene (mountains, hills, plains, valleys, etc.).  Sometimes people will get farm animals, like sheep and cows.
       The main celebration of Christmas is on the 24th of December when they all set off firecrackers and then have a big happy feast together.
Here is a picture of some decorations they put up.

       Bodhi Dayj is a Buddhist holiday celebrating the day that Buddha found enlightenment.  Buddha sat under a Pipul tree and meditated until he found the root of suffering.  Some people say he was harassed by the god Mara (which in Sanskrit means destroyer), the demon of illusion.
       People celebrate Bodhi Dayj very differently.  Some people meditate, study the Dharma, chanting Buddhist texts, or be kind to others around them.  Some people just simply celebrate by a cup a tea, cake, and readings with their families and friends.
Here is a picture of a state of Buddha meditating.

Kiki: Weekly Blog Post

For my blog I chose Greenland.  In Greenland they have their Christmas trees imported from Denmark because no trees grow there.  They also put light up stars in their windows so that they bring light because in winter the sun never comes up.  People also put a giant Christmas tree on the closest hill so everybody can see it.  A food they have on  Christmas is mattak, it is whale skin with blubber.  Another one is kiviak, it is raw flesh of little auks (those are sea birds).  Also this is how they say Merry Christmas- juullimi ukiortaassamilu.  People also there say that Santa lives there in the summer.

Another Holiday that Greenland celebrates is St Lucia's day.

Kiki: Show and Tell

Last weekend we set up our Christmas decorations, it was fun fun fun fun fun fun.  We also put a  Christmas vest on Pookie, it was so cute.  My favorite part of decorating the Christmas tree was that we put a ton of ornaments on it.  It is so, so, so pretty.  Then we also put up our blow up Santa on a motorcycle, it is awesome.  We also got out all the Christmas toys.  My favorite is the Santa rapper, he sings and dances and I love it.  

Christmas by Max

If you are divorced on Christmas, you would get two Christmas trees and two sets of presents.  

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Avery Jones: Show And Tell

       Today I am going to tell you about my "internet addictions".
        An internet addiction is exactly what it sounds like... it is something (website, video game, email) on the internet that you are addicted to.  For example my internet addictions are: Pinterest, Facebook, my email, and (sometimes) youtube.
       Pinterest is a  little hard to explain, so just a heads up, this might be a little bit confusing.  You know how you can make bookmarks on your computer to keep websites, and articles you see online?  Well that's is kinda what Pinterest is, expect it's a website.  You make these boards on your home page then categorize them by giving each board a name.  So for example I have a board called "Just Gotta Laugh" that means I "pin" things I think are funny to that board.  To pin something from a random website to your board you have to get a pin button off of pinterest and put it on your tools bar, then you press the pin button and then pick the board you want to pin it to.  Then you have added something to your board! Here is a link to my Pinterest page so you can see how the boards work.
       I'm pretty sure that everyone that reads this knows what Facebook is.  But I will try to explain it.  It's kinda like the adult twitter (on Facebook people don't post that much about what they had for lunch).  It's a social media where you can find your friends and then friend them on Facebook so you can chat, poke each other, and embarrass each other by posting "remember when..." posts on their wall.  You can also post photos and posts on your own wall about whatever you'd like.  Some people talk about how life is, others post funny things they found (possibly on Pinterest), some post quotes from people, movies, books, etc.  You can also like pages and they post things on their page.  I use Facebook mostly for talking to friends, and posting random things on my wall.
       My email..... well, there is not much to say.  I'm too impatient to send a handwritten letter in a mail.  I use it only for school, or to make plans with friends (but I use my phone most times for that).  That's about all I have to say about it.
       Youtube is a website where you can post videos of anything, but the whole world will see it (so be careful what you put on it).  There are many categories: Recommend for you, most popular, auto and vehicles, comedy, entertainment, film and animation, gaming,  howto and style, nonprofits and activism, people and blogs, pets and animals, science and technology, and travel and events. When you go to Youtube the first thing that pops up is the home page, which is the most popular category. when they say most popular they mean most viewed.  Just because they are most veiwed doesn't mean the videos have good reviews   I mean, come on, just Bieber's Baby music video didn't go so well.  But Gangnam Style did awesome and is now the most viewed video in the the world right now.
       So yeah, that was my show and tell... hope you enjoyed it!

The Two Rats By Max

The rats skydived into a river.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Gabe: Cactus Garden Update

The cactus garden looks great!

11/26/12- Show and Tell

Tell us something good...and don't forget pictures!

Drinks by Max

The people found some type of drink.  They found out that it was poison.  Then they made someone drink the poison.  Then he died. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Norway Christmas by Max

Nisse is a Christmas gnome who guards farm animals. He also plays tricks on children if they don't put a bowl of special porridge out for him. The special porridge is call Rice Cream.
 Rice Cream
(serves 4)
3/4 cup whipping cream
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
a few drops almond flavouring
2 cups rice porridge 

Whip cream with sugar, vanilla and almond flavouring. Mix in the porridge. Serve with red fruit sauce on top.

11/26/12 Weekly Blog Post

It's Christmas time!  As you know, we decorated our tree last weekend and got the whole house ready for the holidays.  For this week's blog post, I want you to research how Christmas is celebrated in other cultures.  Search for how they celebrate Christmas on a different continent and then write two paragraphs about it.

As the second part of your blog post, I want you to research what other religions or cultures celebrate during this time of year other than Christmas.  What do you know about Bodhi Dayj, Eid al-Ahathe, the Hajj, or Festivus? Try to find something you don't know anything about, but if you're having trouble finding something- then you can also read up on Kwanzaa or Hanukkah and write about those.  This portion of your post also needs to be two paragraphs long.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Marney: Weekly Blog Post

1.  He wants to rebuild bridges and buildings
2.  He wants to make sure that Iran does not have any nuclear weapons
3.  He is going to try to get more people to get there collage degree
4.  He wants women to have more rights
5.  He wants to end the war over Afghanistan in 2014
Then the building and bridges would be more sturdy and it would be easy to have more bridges then normal amount of bridges.
     It will not destroy so much of our land and we can not fight them back so they need to stop.
     If more people have collage degrees then we would have more people working and things would be easier.
      If women get more rights then there would be more people to be n the millitary.  
      If the war was over at that time or earlier then we would not have so many people getting killed right now and not so much fighting.  

Gabe: Show and Tell

My seedlings for my Discover Green project look great.  They are the perfect size and are living.  We have Swiss chard, spinach, leaf lettuce, bunching onions, radishes, carrots, Parsnips  leeks, peas, cilantro  basil and oregano.   They will do great.

Connor: Show and Tell Blog

This weekend Dadio took Mason, Gabe, and I to see a James Bond movie.  The movie was called Skyfall and it started with a song of the same name.  Personally I liked the movie, and the song was OK.  I hope this movie gets a sequel.  As for the plot I don't want to spoil this incredibly awesome movie.  I highly recommend seeing this movie in theaters or getting it when it comes out on DVD.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Avery: Weekly Blog Post

1- He wants to give the Americans the chance to learn skills they need to complete.

2- He wants it to be so that women have the same rights as men and they can control their own life.

3-  He said he is planning to end the war in Afghanistan in 2014.

4- He wants it so that Iran does not get any nuclear weapons.

5- He wants for more people to get their college degrees

If he does that then there would be more educated people, possibly more people in the military.

If women have the same rights as men, that would be awesome.  There would be less arguing between people and that would make a lot of problems in the world go away.

I don't actually know if he could make the war end in 2014, but if he could then that would b a great accomplishment.

He said that he can't have Iran have any nuclear weapons because they can't afford to fight back with nuclear weapons, it's too expensive.

That means more people will most likely get their college degrees.

Avery: Show and Tell

       For my show and tell this week I am going to talk to you about my project for my English Class at Joan's Academy.  For our project we had to form groups of 3.  I am of course in a team with my friends Kalli and Elise.  I think we probably have the best story out of all the groups.  We are a step ahead of all the groups and have already finished our story.  I can post the whole thing today, but I might be able to for the next Show and Tell.  I can give you the summary of our awesome story, and here it is!

It starts out after the first part of the war, with the main character, Magnus, at a celebration party celebrating the war being over. Everyone around her is drunk and acting stupid, but she's underage and to smart to do that anyway. Then they all hear an explosion that rocks the building, but no one pays any attention to it, except for Magnus and Samantha. Samantha runs and grabs Magnus, taking her down to a series of  underground rooms, in which Sam collects a counteractant to a disease that she explains to Magnus the Chinese have just set of as a final revenge. It will turn everyone into will-less undead. They try to rescue the rest of the revelers, but are only able to get Magnum, Magnus's twin brother, Cosmo, a gay guy who is completely scared of everything, and Declan, a very tough, seasoned war veteran, before the rest are infected. The escapees set about protecting themselves, and then trying to find other survivors when they hear that the airborne disease has backfired and infected half of both the USA and Chinese nationalities. Cosmo is unwilling to help with any of it, just wanting to survive, until he finds that his mother has been infected, then becoming involved. Magnum and Sam try to find a cure for the infection, but are unsuccessful. Then Sam uncovers that they don't need to find a cure! The Chinese have already invented one! But the war rages across the entire US, (the presidents of both nations have ordered that the troops fight even though the undead are all over the place and it will only make things worse) so how can the surviving rebels make it to LA, where the Chinese war base is? And to make things even worse, Magnum rebels. He doesn't want the disease to end, he is fascinated by it, and wants to study it as long as he is safe. He asks Magnus to help him, he doesn't want to kill her like he is planning to kill the others. But she refuses, and ends up having to kill him to stop him. The Chinese surrender against the combined strength of many of the survivors (both Chinese and Americans.) They find the cure, set this second airborne spread off, and wait for it to end.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Connor: Weekly Blog #1

I noticed that president Obama used the word "want" in most of his promises this year.
1.  He wants manufactured goods to be made here.
2.  He wants to rebuild roads.
3.  Obama wants to keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons
4.  He wants more Americans to have college degrees.
5.  He wants the war in Afghanistan to end by 2014.

If Obama keeps these promises, then I will find more things that were made in America at gift shops.
I would also notice the roads would be in better shape, and maybe the bridge would be finished.
If Obama keeps Iran from getting nuclear weapons, then there might not be a WWIII.
The war in Afghanistan wouldn't continue past 2014.
I'd have a college degree eventually.

The Feet by Max

The feet jump up the cliff.  Then they jump down.  Then the feet find a boss.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Cat by Max

The cat ran away.  They were sad because they did not have a family.  Then the cat found a family.  

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Dragon by Max

The dragon attacked the city .  The people shot the dragon.  They ran away because he had fire breath and ice breath.  

11/12/12- Show and Tell

Don't forget to include pictures!

11/12/12 Weekly Blog Post

Last Tuesday, Barack Obama was reelected for another four-year term as our president.  So what does that really mean?  For this week's blog post, I want you to research what President Obama promised he would accomplish in this next term of office.  I want you to provide a list of at least five things that he promised to accomplish in the next four years.  Then I want you to also discuss what difference it would make to your life if he makes good on his promises.  You can visit these websites to research:  link, link.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Kiki: Show and Tell

At Joan's this week we had the election for class mascot.  Last week we made the voting both and the ballot box, which was fun.  First we weighed all of the candy for the soldiers, we got 66 pounds of candy!  Then we voted, I voted for Bob.  I then made my 4-H record book, we had to put the 4-hs on it.  We also made cards for the soldiers, we painted our hands like a flag and put them on the cards.

Gabe: Show and Tell

     I got a new Taekwondo belt this week!  On Monday the 29th of October it was testing day it was really fun. I passed my test it was really fun learning that form and improving it.  My belt I got was my yellow black belt!!!!!  I am excited to get my next belt.

Marney: Weekly Blog Post

     DST Is When you Set you clocks forward so that there is more time in the morning and when you set your clock backward there would be more time in the night.  We set our clocks forward on The first Sunday of April and.  Then you would set your clock backward on the first Sunday in October.
    You move you clocks around because you would get more light in the evening and you would get more light in the morning.
     The whole U.S does DST Expect for Arizona and Hawaii .  No other country do DST Because of the law but there are some states that do it and then one city in the state does not.
       DST is not very important and if you do not want to do it you do not have to.  Some people do not even know about DST because just the United states does DST.  So tons of people think it is just a celebration but it is not.  

Marney: Show and Tell

I have not talked about park day in a while so I am going to tell you guys about it.  On park day we went to Johnson park and almost all of our friends came. I mostly played with Hannah and Miki.  When no one but us and Miki's family was there I played race car's with Miki and Kiki then my car broke so we put them away.  Then we went and played on the tire swings and it made me want to barf.  Then Hannah got there and I played with her.  We played a lot with the little kids then we went to the waterfall.  After that we went down the big slides and we got really tired of that so we went on the tire swings again.  After that had to go and I said good bye to all of my friends and we went home,we were all very tired.  

Gabe: Weekly Blog Post

     The idea of DST came from Benjamin Franklin.  The man who started it was George Vernon Hudson in 1895.  It was first used in world war one.  George Vernon Hudson was from New Zealand.  William Willets in 1905 wrote a book about DST.
     In the USA DST starts on the second Sunday of march so it goes forward an hour. In the USA DST ends on the first Sunday of November it goes back an hour. In Europe It starts on the last Sunday of march. In Europe  it stops the last Sunday of October.
     We do it for reasons like adding light to our evenings. You can do a lot more outdoor actives in the summer. It also messes with your sleep.  Some clocks set them self's back.  Traveling is hard right after DST.
     All the states but Arizona, Hawaii, Porto Rico, The Virgin islands, Guam and america Samoa all use DST.  Most country used to use DST but don't any more.  Most of Africa never used DST.

The blue on the map are the places that use DST

The red places on the map are were they never used DST

The orange on the map are the parts that used to use DST but don't any more.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Connor: Weekly Blog #1

     We, the United States, participate or have participated in DST.  DST is not used all over the world.  States that don't use it include only 2 of the 50 current states: Arizona and Hawaii.  Porto Rico, which may become a state, also doesn't use DST.  A lot of countries in Europe use DST, including Germany and the UK.  Many countries use it and many countries don't, a lot of countries in Asia don't use it.
    DST was originally started in the 18th century.  Ben Franklin had mentioned something about it at the time.  The DST we use was started in WWI and has been reintroduced for years before we started using it.  The first country to use the current DST was Germany.  Ever since it began it has been used in Europe, in most of those countries.  Many rules have been made about DST.
   There have been many arguments about DST.  Due to agriculture being affected and late night entertainment also having trouble.  Winston Churchill had argued for it, while many Americans argued against it.  Woodrow Wilson had supported DST, but congress kept repealing the bill.  Eventually we started using it in the twenties and thirties.  Once we started using it we needed to set a date to start and stop DST.
    DST now stops on the second Sunday of March.  We stop on the first Sunday of November.  This gives us several months of DST, which is enough to get used to it.  To be more precise we get DST for most of the year!It starts at different times depending on what country you live in.  In some states or countries, like Arizona and Afghanistan, it doesn't start at all.

Avery: Weekly Blog Post

       Day Light Savings Time (also know as Summer Time in some countries) is when you set your clocks forward an hour so that your evenings will have more daylight and your mornings will have less.  When it DST starts (on the first Sunday of April) you set your clocks forward one hour, and when it ends (on the first Sunday of October) you set your clocks back an hour.
       We are not the only country that does DST.  There are a ton of countries that have used it before, but no longer do.  I am also surprised to know that there are countries that have never, ever used it before.  Here is a picture from Wikipedia of where DST is used:

Blue is where DST is used.
Orange is where is has been used, but no longer is used.
Red is where it has never, ever been used before
Not all of the United States uses DST.  Most of it does though as you can see from the picture above.  The places that don't use is in the United States are: Hawaii, Arizona and territories of Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa.  They just stay to standard time.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Avery: Show and Tell

       So I haven't talked about Joan's Academy in awhile, so I'm going to tell you about that.
       My first class was geography with Mrs. Kraft.  We talked over some vocabulary words and what they meant.  We now have over 50 vocabulary cards to memorize.  But they are easy to remember, so it's not so hard.  We also got a bit off topic every now and then.  Our off topic conversations were about super heroes, death, and some other things that I can't remember right now.  When we were finally back to class we went over who will write about which country in South America.  I chose Venezuela... mainly because I like the name and know nothing about it.  So now I get to learn something new!  This week for homework we have to study our vocab cards and notes and look up some facts about the country we picked to see if it's the country we actually want to write two pages about.  I looked some things up about Venezuela and I like what I've read so far about it.  I like geography class, mostly because we get to use more maps more this week  and she will test us all on the vocab words to make sure we know them well enough and I know almost all the words, so I do pretty good.
       My next class was science with Mrs. Carder.  We did some fun(-ish) experiments during class this week.  We would put pieces of chalk in different liquids and would write down our hypothesis on what would happen later.  We put chalk in water, diet coke, 5% vinegar, 9% vinegar, and then we put an eg in vinegar.  The water made the chalk much whiter, the diet coke just made it brown... nothing else.  The 5% vinegar was supposed to shrink it but we didn't have enough time to see it happen.  The 9% vinegar was supposed to do the same thing, but we still didn't see anything happen yet.  I think she is bringing the chalk back next week to show us what happened.  I am not for sure if she is or not though.  For homework we have to do some type of lab, I am waiting for an email from her.  I kinda like this class, the teacher is a bit strict, but that doesn't matter.
       My third class before lunch is English class with Brett Reeves.  He is my favorite teacher of them all (besides you mom!).  If I'm being honest, I think I have the weirdest English class EVER!  Probably because it's a class of guys and Kalli, Elise and I are the only girls.  But they are all different and have their own weird personalities.  We got way, way, way off topic in class this week, but we talked a little bit about our projects for the class.  Kalli, Elise, and I are on a team and we are going to write a story about the Chinese, American war.  During the war a zombie virus starts going around and there is a team of survivors that looks for a cure.  I can't tell you more than that right now.  English is my favorite and most interesting class of the day.
       Next was lunch, like always I know it's not a class, but it's part of my day at Joan's.  I ate lunch with the people I always eat lunch with (Natalie, Mariah, Kalli, and Elise).  I had a super yummy chicken salad.  Then after lunch we had to vote for the elementary class's mascot.  I voted for Bob because he has an awesome name, he will carry everyone's backpack, and will help everyone with their homework.  Then we got thirty minutes to be outside.  Outside I hung out with my friends Fischer, Kalli and Elise.  We just talked about random things.
       Then I went to my nutritional science class with Mrs. Carder.  We did little experiments with crackers.  We got to eat them!  For a very long time, you had to chew on them without swallowing.  It was really gross, it made me want to throw up.  We also talked about the digestive system a little bit and she explained why we had to do that gross experiment.  Honestly, I do hate going to that class, it is boring and has a lot of homework that we have to do over the week.  I asked to drop out, but I can't until next semester.
       My second to last class is art with Ms. Ober.  In celebration of The Day of the Dead we made little clay skulls.  She had to take ten minutes of our class just telling us how to use the clay and how to make the skull and how to add stuff onto it.  First, she would give you a cube of soft clay that you had to keep hitting until it was round.  It wasn't hard at all because the clay was super soft.  Then you would find one part of the skull and squeeze the it just a little with the palm of your hand.  Then you have the shape of your skull!  Next you use your thumbs to push down on the clay to make eye sockets.  Next you use your pinky finger to make a little triangle(-ish) shape for the nose.  Then you will use an unfolded paperclip to make little lines for teeth and any decorations you wanted to add.  I drew little flower all over mine.  Then (my favorite step) you draw a little quarter sized circle on the bottom of you skull and then get one of your tools to hallow out the skull.  It has to be hallow so that it dries much faster.  Then I used the insides of the skull to make a little bow to put on top of it's head.  I am going to get it back next week, so if I remember to, I'll post some pictures on the blog.  I love art class! It is very peaceful and quite, unlike most of my classes.
       My last class was gym with Mr. Maverick.  We played a game called Capture the President.  It's is just like capture the flag but with a person, and they are aloud to run away from you.  Mariah and Jace were the presidents.  No body won because the game went on to long and we had to stop.  We had enough time to fit in an extra game at the end.  We played kickball outside.  I don't know who won, I think it was the other team, my team wasn't the best. I like gym class, my favorite game that we have played in class would have to be sardines.
       That was my day at Joan's! Hope you enjoyed this extremely long post!

Monday, November 5, 2012

11/5/12 Weekly Blog Post

This past weekend we set our clocks back an hour for daylight savings.  Were we starting daylight savings time or were we ending it?  What is daylight savings time and why do we mess around with our clocks twice a year?  Are we the only country that does this, or do they do this in other parts of the world? Does the entire country do it?

For this blog post, I want you to research daylight savings time and then answer all my questions about it.  Also provide a brief history of daylight savings time.  You can research it by reading articles herehere,  or here.  Your post should be at least four paragraphs long.

11/5/12 Show and Tell

Share with us and make it interesting!