Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Connor: Doom Chapter 10

I went to an extraordinary feast at Hades' castle, if that can be seen as the proper term.  There sat the populars all at the side farthest from Hades.  Hades has told me that he dislikes their bragging of great victories, because those victories ended in their deaths thus taking away from their victories.  He even went far enough to say that Orpheus was the worst for bragging about how he escaped Hades with his wife.  Of course all us non-legends know that these are nothing but lies.  Hades seems to like making warriors into legends although he rarely does.  Zeus forbade his assistance to any warrior without Ares' consent.  One day while I was out on my watch duty with Cerberus, the three headed pushover as I have come to call him, Ares arrived at the front gate.  Imagine how impressed I was to see the god of war.  He said "I wish to enter.  Please tell Hades that I wish to see him about some Hector guy.  If you bring him quickly I will pay you one drachma."  Hearing an offer like this from the god of war himself was great and depressing.  It was great because I was getting a tip, yet it was depressing because he came to talk to Hades about the man I had slain.  Ares looked at me and said before I departed to retrieve the master and said "Have I seen you before?  You look familiar.  Are you Ajax?"  I said, with a hint of hatred in my voice, "I am not Ajax!  I am Achilles the man who slew Hector.  I was told that I was your favorite and yet you confuse me with Ajax.  I feel ashamed to say that I obeyed you.  Get thee gone and I will tell my master what you want.  Away with thee!"  Ares looking angry said "You worthless mortal.  You do not command me.  You commanded your army.  You were my favorite until you attempted to make me leave.  You do not deserve my respect.  I demand to see Hades NOW!"  I said simply "Try to I dare you.  Oh wait you forgot that gods may not enter without Hades command.  Now who has the power?    I will talk to my master although you may not come.  Go away.  If you make another step toward this door Cerberus, who just so happens to be a perfect gaurd dog will attack you.  One more thing you were supposed to leave any weapons of power or weapons outside in the waiting room.  Another reason I banish you at the moment."  Ares left in a heap of smoke and non-repeatable swears.  Just when I least expected it Hades appeared next  to me.  He said "Good job Achilles.  Although you do know he wanted to talk about you right why else would he give you drachmas?  Oh well when Zeus and the other gods die you may become a hero of legend although it will take much longer now for you to be reborn.  I understand that you were upset, but next time please keep a cool head."  With that Hades went back to his throne room.  I had doomed myself.


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