Monday, March 7, 2011

Connor: The Strange Convict Of Gotham City

Within the oldest prison still used in the city of Gotham sat a strange man.  The only thing known about this man is that he was a convict.  No one knew how old he was or how long he had been in prison.  Some said that he was there when Gotham was founded.  Others insisted that he was there only after Batman showed up.  In any case this strange inmate had lived there for a while.  The cops who kept a watchful eye over the inmates noticed his sleeping habits were odd.  He would sleep through the morning when the other inmates were eating breakfast.  He would sleep through lunch time.  Although he was wide awake at night.  His dietary habits also confused people.  He would have three steaks at night, although when he finished the steak had lost the red color and wasn't as juicy.  The oddest thing about the man was the color of his eyes.  His eyes were a shade of green during the day, when woken up by an extremely loud noise.  Yet his eyes were a distinctly bright shade of yellow at night.  One night he woke up and looked across the room at the officer siting down with the keys to his cell.  He focused on her eyes as they looked around the area.  The cop had started to wonder why the chief had put her on watch duty.  She started to think that it was just to make it seem like he wasn't dating her.  Her eyes moved toward the man.  She stood up and walked over to him with no control over her body.  She handed him the keys and said "Here, master.  You can use these to escape the prison."  With that she sat down and suddenly couldn't remember anything that just happened.  The next night the another officer was on watch duty.  This officer was a man with big arms.  The criminal stood near the bars and cried out about how he wanted to die.  This was a mere plan to get the cop to leave.  The inmate unlocked the cell door and slipped out quickly locking the door behind him.  The power went out suddenly and never came back on.  The criminal saw the officer come in with a doctor.  The man looked at both people and saw that they both had good blood.  He attacked the officer first who was to busy talking with the doctor to notice his yellow eyes.  The doctor was afraid because the cop that was with him just dropped dead.  The criminal escaped while the lights were out drinking the blood of every officer, except for one.  The woman who was on guard the previous night was spared.  He said to himself  "Now that I return to this world I should have a proper name.  I will be called The Bloody Fang.  Yes that will be my evil name."  With that he took flight in search of a castle and a coffin.  He landed in the graveyard and saw an old coffin from around the time of the founders with his true name written upon it.  The writing on the front of the coffin read James.  The Bloody Fang took the coffin and flew to the oldest building in Gotham.  The Bloody Fang placed the coffin in the center of his new home.  Just after he prepared his home the sun came out.  Knowing that he should stick to his usual sleeping habits The Bloody Fang got into the coffin and went to sleep.  The following night The Bloody Fang took to the sky.  He spotted some people walking around the park.  He flew a bit closer and saw a man dressed like a clown.  The man laughed and said "Let's see the bat try and save people now."  The Bloody Fang flew up to him and asked him what his name was.  The man told The Bloody Fang that he was known as The Joker.  Suddenly The Bloody Fang noticed a building built atop his oldest home.  He knew that regaining his cave would not be easy.  Suddenly he saw a person come toward him.  The Bloody Fang said "So you must be Batman.  It has been a pleasure meeting someone like you.  Although now I thirst for blood.  You can call me The Bloody Fang.  As for what I can call you, I think that should be breakfast."  Batman looked at this strange man and said "Judging from your skin and eye color at the moment.  As well as your thirst for blood.  I guess your a vampire.  Well I will not be your breakfast."  The Bloody Fang flew toward Batwoman and stared directly into her eyes and said "Meet me in my lair, mortal."  With that he flew off and waited at his lair for his takeout.  Batwoman entered the creepy, old, decrepit apartment building.  She climbed the steps and entered the room with the coffin.  She said to The Bloody Fang "I have come to you, Master."  She snapped out of the trance and came forward to hug what she thought was Batman.  The Bloody Fang took advantage of this moment and drank her blood.  After three weeks of sucking blood from people The Bloody Fang had enough mindless vampire followers to create a vampire army.  He said to his army "Today we take back my cave!"  The entire army applauded the idea.  The entire army was sent into combat against Batman and Robin.  The entire army was slain with wooden stakes through their hearts.  The Bloody Fang realized what he had to do.  He flew to the prison and saw the woman who was on watch duty the day before his escape.  The Bloody Fang said to the woman "I wouldn't have been able to destroy the population of Gotham without you."  The woman shed a tear and said "Their all dead.  Everyone I knew or cared about is dead.  It is all your fault, you ugly criminal."  He looked into her eyes, this time not trying to control her mind, and said "I know I may seem evil.  I am not a criminal though.  I need the taste of blood to live.  Before Batman kills me I came here for one last drink."  The woman moved her head to one side and The Bloody Fang sucked her blood.  She became a vampire on the spot.  He said "I never attempted to do you any harm.  I only wanted to kill those who tormented you.  I also had to kill those who Batman trusted.  I love you or loved you I should say.  In a few hours I will alert Batman and what is left of the police force to our location.  They'll kill me and probably you as well.  This is farewell from the very world I lived in for so long.  At least I know that I'm going out in style.  That style being fooling the police into thinking we're at the park.  So will you marry me?"  Asked the vampire.  The criminals all pulled out stakes and prepared to throw them.  The Bloody Fang said "Maybe you shouldn't answer here."  They flew to the lair and landed on the sofa he stole from Batman.  As they sat down and turned on the television the woman, who was now a vampire, said "Yes."  The two vampires lived happily for half a year.  Suddenly as half the year had just finished in walked the Joker.  He pointed the stake at the newborn vampire baby and said "Either one of you dies or this infant dies.  So which of you is it going to be?"  The Bloody Fang walked over to the Joker, opened his mouth and was about to bite his neck.  Stopping before biting the neck he said "Either you put the stake down or you get it.  Oh and by the way I see the second stake you're hiding in your tie."  The Joker dropped both stakes and expected to be let go.  The Bloody Fang said "Honey pick up those stakes."  Suddenly The Bloody Fang turned the Joker into a vampire and his wife stabbed the Joker with both stakes.  The Bloody Fang flew to the top of his home at night and said "Listen to me, Hero of Gotham city!  I have slain the Joker!  I have also given up my unlife of crime!  You can keep the cave, although I would like my original coffin back!"  Meanwhile down in the sewers of Gotham city the penguin and his minions brought the Joker back from the dead with a simple antidote made from the ashes of a vampire.  The End or is it?


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