Monday, March 14, 2011

Avery: Meeting Minutes

1- I now do minutes. Marney wasn't doing them every week, so she was fired.
2- For weekly money I got 8$, Gabe got 6$, Marney got 2$, Connor got 1$, and from walking the dogs we got 21$. All together that's 36 dollars.
3- You can now play Doc Clock on the Wii, Dad has finished his game.
4- We can not use the baby wipes anymore. We have to use wet napkins or paper towels.
5- All of us kids have to work harder and do a better job at our yoga.
6- The dishwasher works now, so we can use the old cups and plates.
7- If you get a cup for water after dinner, that will be your cup for the next day.
8- Do not go past the curtains in the girl's room.
9- Now that the playroom and the girl's bedroom are split up. After playing in the play room you have to pick up you mess.
10- At Wii Night only Connor, Mason and I can get out the wii games and bored games.
11- For now on at chore time half of the kids will clean up out back.
12- Only the cans with a 1 or 2 on the bottom of them can be recycled.
13- We have to start crushing all coke cans when we do the recycle.
14- We are not aloud to drag anything across the wooden floor.
15- If you see any water on the wooden floor you have to wipe it up right away.
16- For now on we all can't go to Nana's house every day of the week. Mom is thinking of a new way for us to go over there only a few times a week.
17- For now on, boys, you have to start wearing a different outfit each day.
18-We can not go on any websites that mom and dad don't know about, without their permission.
19- We can not encourage Franki to run through threw the house anymore.
20- When Franki is jumping up on you, you have to stand up strait, look at him and say "Franki no!".
21- We have to start walking all the dogs everyday.
22- We all need to start sweeping the wooden floor better until mom gets a vacuum for it.
23- If you want to give stuff to the weavers before they leave you should finish that up and give it to them when you can.
24- I was the only kid that blogged this week.
25- The kids have to stop telling mom that she's not fair and that everything she says in unfair.
26- We lost the D.S's again because we left the bathrooms all gross again.
27- Some of the kids will have to start flushing the toilets in the house.


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