Thursday, March 31, 2011

Gabe: Grand Canyon Count Down

We will be at the grand canyon in  four day. I really want to look over the edge of the grand canyon.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Kiki: Grand Canyon Countdown

Five more days until the Grand Canyon countdown is done!  I'm excited about us going to see the edge of the Grand Canyon.  We are going to go camping.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Marney: Grand Canyon Count Down

almost there we got to start packing for the Grand Canyon. Only 6 more days and we made lists and we are starting to pack for it.  I am so so so so so so so so so happy and I want to hike why we are there.  Also we are having  so so much fun packing.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Mommio: Grand Canyon Countdown

Well, this last week was really fun- thanks Grandma and Grandpa- and now it is time to start packing and counting the days until we get to the Grand Canyon.  I'll start all my list-making and planning today and with lots of help from the toes and Nana we will all be at the Grand Canyon in 7 DAYS!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Gabe: Moives

Today we went to Diary Of A Wimpy  Kid  2 we got popcorn, coke and candy.  We  went to the movies  with grandma and grandpa it was really funny. I liked it a bunnnnnnch .

Avery: Seaworld

Yesterday everyone but Mason went to Seaworld. We saw the Azul show! Connor, Marney, Kiki and I all sat in the slash zone where the clown splashes water all over you. We also went on the new little kids park. We all went on the Shamu roller coaster. Marney, Max, and Kiki went on the merry-go-round. Almost all of us went on a fish ride. And Jack played on the playground. Later Marney, Kiki, Mom and I all went on the Steel Eel! It's a roller coaster. It was the first roller coaster I've EVER been on. IT WAS AWESOME! Last we went on the log ride. When it was our turn we found out you had to have someone 14 or older with you. So Mom, Connor and Max went on log. People behind us volentered to take Gabe and Marney. And then more people volenteered to take Kiki and I. Even though we went with different people it was still fun! After Seaworld we got to get Mc Donald's.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Marney: Today

Today we went to the hotel to swim.  That was so much fun. I can go to the five foot now and that was cool. We did shows for each other and we also went to the park and we biked a bunch and that was fun too.  We tried to catch fish but we did not .  Here are some pictures of the park and of us at to hotel.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kiki: Blanton Art Museum

Today we went to the Blanton Art Museum in Austin with Grandma and Grandpa.  When we went to the museum we first went in a room with a bunch of lights that looked cool.  And they weren't on. Then we went into the room that had pots and stuff. Then we saw stuff that had cowboys on them.  Then we saw the modern art.  Then we saw pictures and coins.  Then we went to a room where you could touch stuff and make fake art.  Here are some pictures from the museum.

I built a model of the art museum using blocks from the place where you can touch stuff.  Here is a picture of my museum model.

Max: Hoppin House

I went down the GIANT slide by myself! I also went jumping in the foam pit. That is all I will say.
In this picture I am walking in the foam pit. 
The girls are climbing the ladder.
 And then I slided down that slide about ten times.
Mama even played on the slide.

Daddio: Why Aren't the Toes Blogging?

Grandma and Grandpa got into town on Sunday and are visiting for the week.  I know that yesterday, while the big kids were at Joan's Academy, all the others went to the Hoppin' House.  And today they went to the art museum in Austin.

And yet--- no one's blogging about all this cool stuff and how awesome it is to have Grandma and Grandpa visit?  Not cool!  Toes need to blog.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Gabe: Family Movie

Tonight the hole family but mom, Max and Jack watched a horror movie. Max and Jack had to go to bed at 7:00 and mom does not like horror movies.  The movie was called The Dance Of The Dead it was really cool I loved it a lot. It was about a zombie prom. It was really really funny.

Gabe: My Blog

Me and Marney made a blog that we use for funny and cool posts. We hope you really really really love our blog.  If you want to read our awesome, funny and cool blog click here!!!!!!!!!  We really hope you think it is funny. BYE!

Marney: Sleepover

Awesome, me and Kiki got to go to my Nana's to have a sleepover.  I had so so so much fun.  We played with water balloons.  We also played with Nana's clothes it was so much fun.  I had fun I love you mom and dad

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mason: Blog Of The Day

Marney is awesome
Marney is very  funny
Marney is so cool

Marney's the nicest
Marney is a great sister
Marney is pretty

She is good at games
Marney is good at art class
I love her a lot

Connor: Blog Of The Day

Marney The Best Little Sister Ever 

Marney is the best.
She loves the whole family.
She can play music.

Marney loves the dogs.
Marney is extremely sweet.
She is also great.

Marney is funny.
Marney is great at wii games.
We all love Marney.

Avery: Blog Of The Day

She is very nice
She is an awesome sister
She won't hurt a fly

She has cool red hair
She is as strong as a bear
and likes to eat pie

She writes writes very nice
She is very cool to me
Marney is the best

Daddio: 3/17/11 Blog of the Day

For today's blog of the day, I want you to write a three-verse haiku poem about Marney.  Remember that each verse of a haiku poem is three lines and it has a 5-7-5 syllable count.  Just like the KENNEDY poem you wrote earlier this week, your Marney/Haiku poem has to be about her, and it has to be nice.  No being mean or rude.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Connor: Blog Of The Day

Kennedy is a funny girl.
Everyone knows that she loves them
Nice to all of us
Never mean to anyone.
Evermore beautiful and extremely sweet
Determined to always be the cutest.
You should all love Kennedy

Gabe: Blog Of The Day

Kiki is cool
Even when shes board 
 Normal Kiki 
 Narwhal Kiki likes
 Edward like her
 Dung beetle Kiki likes
Yo Kiki

Kiki: Blog Of The Day

Kiki is nice
Every time she is at her house
Nana's house too
Nice to Daddy and Mama 
Elephants too
DEAR time Kiki likes to read
You can read with her too

Avery: Blog Of The Day

Kiki is her name
Every day she makes art
No one says anything rude about it
Nothing can make her stop
Everything she makes is pretty
Day after day she thinks of something new
Yesterday she made art too.

Daddio: 3/15/11 Blog of the Day

For today's blog of the day, I want you to write a KENNEDY poem.  A KENNEDY poem is a poem about Kennedy "Kiki" Jones.  It always has seven lines and each line starts with a letter in her name.  So the first line of poetry starts with a "K," the second starts with an "E," the third with an "N," and so on.

The poem must be nice and complementary of Kiki.  No being mean.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Avery: Meeting Minutes

1- I now do minutes. Marney wasn't doing them every week, so she was fired.
2- For weekly money I got 8$, Gabe got 6$, Marney got 2$, Connor got 1$, and from walking the dogs we got 21$. All together that's 36 dollars.
3- You can now play Doc Clock on the Wii, Dad has finished his game.
4- We can not use the baby wipes anymore. We have to use wet napkins or paper towels.
5- All of us kids have to work harder and do a better job at our yoga.
6- The dishwasher works now, so we can use the old cups and plates.
7- If you get a cup for water after dinner, that will be your cup for the next day.
8- Do not go past the curtains in the girl's room.
9- Now that the playroom and the girl's bedroom are split up. After playing in the play room you have to pick up you mess.
10- At Wii Night only Connor, Mason and I can get out the wii games and bored games.
11- For now on at chore time half of the kids will clean up out back.
12- Only the cans with a 1 or 2 on the bottom of them can be recycled.
13- We have to start crushing all coke cans when we do the recycle.
14- We are not aloud to drag anything across the wooden floor.
15- If you see any water on the wooden floor you have to wipe it up right away.
16- For now on we all can't go to Nana's house every day of the week. Mom is thinking of a new way for us to go over there only a few times a week.
17- For now on, boys, you have to start wearing a different outfit each day.
18-We can not go on any websites that mom and dad don't know about, without their permission.
19- We can not encourage Franki to run through threw the house anymore.
20- When Franki is jumping up on you, you have to stand up strait, look at him and say "Franki no!".
21- We have to start walking all the dogs everyday.
22- We all need to start sweeping the wooden floor better until mom gets a vacuum for it.
23- If you want to give stuff to the weavers before they leave you should finish that up and give it to them when you can.
24- I was the only kid that blogged this week.
25- The kids have to stop telling mom that she's not fair and that everything she says in unfair.
26- We lost the D.S's again because we left the bathrooms all gross again.
27- Some of the kids will have to start flushing the toilets in the house.

Daddio & Ava: Bored at Work

Ava and Daddio are at Daddio's office today.  And we're bored.  Ava's played games on the computer and Daddio's phone.  Now she's so bored that she's making up long-division-decimal problems and working them out on paper.  And while we're doing all this boring, boring stuff, we get an email from Mommio and the kids showing us what they're doing:
This sucks!  We're super bored and they're having fun repainting the house?  Not fair.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Mason: Student Of The Week

My school week went great!
 Joan's Academy
I really had a great time at Joan's Academy.  I really like going there.
Kung Fu- King Fu is my favorite class.  We learn self-defense.  In the video I am doing the eight chain punch.

Film- What we are doing in film is making a movie about demons.  What I do is I play the part of the demon lord.  Also I am the gaffer.  The gaffer sets up the lights.
Lewis and Clark- What we did in Lewis and Clark was we gave three facts about the Indian tribes we were researching.  My tribe was the Mandan.  One thing I learned about the Mandan is that they lived in North Dakota.
Art- In art class we were doing one point perspectives of a room.  Then when we were finished we colored it in.
Science- In science we learned about popcorn.  The experiments that we did, we cooked three different types of popcorn- normal, wet and dry.  The normal popcorn popped better.  The dry popcorn only had one popcorn.
Multiplication- I do multiplication sheets so I can remember times, it helps me.
 Teaching Textbooks Math 5- In my math I am learning how to add whole numbers to fractions and working with decimal points in long multiplication and division.  I really do like doing it.  How I did on it today, I missed one and got  a 95.
In Spanish I am learning to tell time.  I really like it because it helps me understand how to speak Spanish.
Reading Comprehension- This week I read Thor's Hammer. It was about how Loki cut off Sif's hair and got the elves to make Sif golden hair. 
 History- I read an article about Queen Nefertiti.  She was the wife of Akhenaten.
 DEAR- For DEAR reading I am reading The Unusual Mind Of Vincent Shadow and I really like reading it.  It is mainly about a kid who makes a lot of weird toys.
In spelling I am working on writing better and learning to spell new sight words.
I really like grammar because it helps me get better at writing.
Explode The Code- I am really doing a great job in my Explode the Code phonics.  I really like it.
 Saxon Phonics Intervention- Phonics Intervention is where me and Mommio sit down and it helps me get better at writing and reading.  I only have 15 lessons left in the book.  After the 15 lessons me and Mommio are going to sit down and read Harry Potter. What this program has taught me to do is basically code words so that I can break them down and be able to read them easier.  I like coding and it really does help me.

 Unit Study
In Unit Study we are studying Norse Mythology.  We are writing our own version of Norse Mythology tales.  I think that my favorite character is Thor.