Thursday, September 24, 2009

Rex: My Action Adventure Part 2

Hi there again it's me Rex. Yeah so I just found out that I have a new boss. I ran into the bathroom near the laundry room for that is where I heard a voice coming from. The voice says to me "come in here and I will give you your new mission." the moment i get into the bathroom I notice that the voice is coming from the toilet I ask "Is Kent the fish in there?" and then I started to think "why the heck am I, a very intelligent dog, talking to a toilet" and then the toilet speaks to me and said "there is no one named Kent here, pup. I am your new boss and no you aren't crazy I really am a talking toilet." I was confused. I mean why would there be a talking toilet? Oh i guess a talking toilet was not quite weird I mean I did fight a talking washing machine. The toilet talks to me again "you must defeat the evil vacume creature. In order to defeat it you must find sing songs from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory." Luckily my favorite book was Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. I run into the kitchen and here Avery, who was the panda in my last story because of the panda hat, is vacuming I leap at the vacume and miss. Then Avery pulls the plug out of the wall. the vacume starts napping. I attack it while it is asleep. it blows up and I report back to the talking toilet.



Your story is so makes me laugh and laugh...Please write more...can't wait to read the next way your mind works.


Your story is soooo funny!


Thanks to both of you. Rex says thanks too.

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