Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mommio: We're Not Learning Much

Last week I had a chance to ride in the car with Mason alone for a few hours and we had a really interesting talk about homeschooling. He was telling me that since we have not done much "school" lately (with people being sick) that "we are not learning much right now". It reminded me that from the kids perspective our homeschooling is so normal and so much a part of our daily lives that they don't see that we are learning all the time, even when we are not doing the sit down work that they consider "school". So, just for Mason, here is a list of what YOU are learning right now:

  • all about Maine
  • how to measure by cooking and chemistry
  • geography through labeling maps and learning words like "cape"
  • Spanish (wow- Mason you are doing so great with Spanish!)
  • multiplication
  • sequencing
  • math comparisons
  • how to navigate the internet
  • how to take pictures
  • public speaking (by running for house president)
  • lots of problem solving skills through games like D&D
  • spelling and phonics skills
  • reading and sounding out difficult words
  • all about religions
  • reading comprehension
  • all about reptiles- especially sea turtles
  • how to use Powerpoint
  • how to grow a garden and all the natural education that goes along with it: composting, mulch, mushrooms, bugs, watering, harvesting, etc.
  • how to eat healthier
  • all about acids and bases and how to safely use a chemistry set
  • all about midwives and medieval village life
  • how to make dioramas
  • how to use clay to make pots, sculptures and reliefs
  • how to play the recorder: including reading notes, keeping time and playing a duet
  • yoga
  • and so many more....



Are you saying that your homeschooling makes learning easy and fun.....natural and not like work at all????? Great work Mom.....

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