Saturday, September 12, 2009

Daily Girl #54: A Moment In History

A Moment In History: Attila The Hun By Connor

Attila the Hun was born in 406C.E, he was born in a part of Asia. His father was named Mundzuk and his mom's name is unknown. Attila's uncle Rugila,who was king of the Huns, died in 434 C.E. Rugila left the throne to Attila's brother Bleda and Attila. Attila and Bleda made deals with the Romans about hostages. They had many wars against the Romans and won most of them. Attila and Bleda were very scary from the Roman point of view.

Bleda and Attila waged war on mainly east Rome, but they also attacked west Rome. They were among Rome's worst enemies. Attila's empire included the country of Germany.
The Hunnic empire was very big and one of the many civilizations of barbarians in history. Attila the Hun and Bleda had been attacking Rome for many years.

Bleda died in a "hunting accident" arranged by his brother Attila in 445 C.E, Attila then ruled alone. Attila attacked Rome a lot. He took over much of the Roman empire. He never attacked the capital of Rome, which was called Constantinople. He captured Italy and because he scared away the residents of Italy, the residents founded the city of Venice.

He returned to his throne and he took a very short break from attacking Rome and Italy. Then he got a letter from the new west Roman ruler's sister. She said that she wanted to get away from her brother and she sent her own engagement ring to pay him. Attila the Hun mistook this for a sign that she wished to marry him.

He rode to west Rome and told the ruler that he wanted some of the empire as a wedding gift. The ruler was quite mad because his sister was going to marry one of west Rome's allies's leaders. Then there was a war with two armies against one. Attila, was not out numbered but he did only have one army. In the end Attila came out on top. Attila won the fight by killing one of the enemy's leaders. Days latter Attila died. Many think that he had choked on his own blood ,but others believe that he was killed by a traitor among his own men or that a Roman killed him. No matter which one is true, his own sons buried his body in a river bank. To this day no one knows where his body is. Attila the Hun is beleived to be realated to Gengis Khan.


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