Friday, September 18, 2009

Daddio: Why Mommio is Awesome

You toes have really busy lives. In the course of a day you have about a thousand things to do all day: school, morning chores, afternoon chores, reading, blogging, eating, and then finding time to do fun stuff like play outside, play electronics, or just have fun with your siblings. But it's a lot of work still, right? I mean, the day is pretty structured and it takes a tremendous amount of effort from all of you just to make sure you get it all done. And sometimes you do and sometimes you don't, but in the end you are all becoming much more responsible. I'm so proud of all of you for how hard you work and how much harder you've been working lately.

Now take all the work that you guys do every day. Not separately, but combined. Take everything that each of you has to do everyday and add it all up. That's like the work from one of you multiplied by eight, right? That's how much work your mom does every day... plus a little bit more.

Sit back and actually think about that. Everything each and every one of you does every day is something that she sets up-- either that day, or through the system she's created with the schedule. Do you guys realize how much work it is to just feed, watch over and care for eight kids every day? And that's not even half of what she does because then she teaches the oldest six of you on top of that.

That's a lot of work.

When each of you toes are done reading this entry, I want you to go find your mom and give her a big, long, tight hug and tell her how much you love her. She works hard for you guys and she like's to hear from you that you appreciate it.



I like hearing it from you too- thanks.

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