Friday, October 12, 2012

Marney: Show and Tell

For my show and tell I am going to tell you guys about the last day of home school swimming.  On Wednesday we go swimming with all of the other home school people.  But since it is fall and it is getting cold we have to stop and start park day.  So on Wednesday we had our last swim day at the slab.  Not many people came but we still had fun.  Me and Grace talked about Halloween and we went down rapids and found a dead cat.  We had a bunch of fun.  I also played with Graces's cousin, her name was Abigail.  Then they both had to leave and we all tried to play live action mine craft.  Max and Jack had a fight over who gets to play with Bentley   Then Bella figured out that when I am around I am her buddy, but when Ava is around Ava is her buddy.  Here are some pictures of us at the slab.


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