Thursday, October 11, 2012

Gabe: Blog of the Week (last week)

Dear Mom,
     It is really awesome here. I almost got killed by one of the zombies.  At the beginning we started the race and it was fun, then we got to the zombies.  I ran past about ten zombies and got to a safe zone.  Then I got to an area with a lot of zombies so one almost pulled my health cord but I got away. I looked back and almost everybody had their cords pulled. But, I got to first place
     I got to the last area with 3 other people. There was about 70 zombies in this area.  I got all the way to the middle of the zombies with everyone else. One guy got his cord pulled so now its just me and 2 others.      The next guy fell and got his cord pulled so now its just me and 1 other. We were neck and neck but the last zombie got my cord. I miss you bye.



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