Thursday, October 4, 2012

Avery: Show and Tell

       For my Show and Tell, I would like to tell you about Teen Night.  On the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month Mason, Connor and I get to meet up with our friends at Dairy Queen or someone else's house.  This week we all met up at the Benac's house (Laura and Christopher's house).
       Connor, Mason, Bentley, Jonah, Chase and Christopher hung out playing video games and the Game of Life.  Since the girls and guys didn't want to hang out with each other Laura, Kalli, Elise and I all played Apples to Apples (I won!), listened to lots of music and sang really loudly, played Just Dance 3 on the Wii, watched Raising Hope, and took a ton of pictures.
       Here is a few pictures we took.  Elise is censored out because her face can't be shown.  But she said she would enjoy being a cat.


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