Monday, October 29, 2012

10/29/12- Show and Tell

Show and tell us all about your Halloween costume!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Marney: Weekly Blog Post

Dear Grandma and Grandpa

     I had a a bunch of fun with you two last week and one of my favorite things we did together was going to Sweet Berry Farms.  I loved to do their new things with you guys.  They had trampolines and they had flower picking.  They also had a maze and their hayrides and pumpkin picking.  The first thing we did was flower picking.  We got all kinds of colorful flowers, they were all very pretty.  My favorite flower was a big colorful orange and yellow.  Then we went to the hayrides because they were close to each other.  They had new things on the hayride, like these goats were eating a pumpkin and there was a scarecrow school and stuff.  It was fun.  Then we went to the trampoline and we got ten minutes, but I got very dizzy.  Then we went to the maze and me and Kiki were buddies  and we knew the way to the bell and out and we finished in 1 minute.  Then we had some ice cream and went home.
      One of my other favorite things was when we swam at the the hotel pool.  We had a lot of fun.  I did a bunch of flips and diving.  I also practiced swimming and did a big show for people.  Then when we all wanted a snack Grandma gave us candy and coke.  Then when all had to go home.
      I also loved when we all went to the park and the movies.  First we went to the park and went on a walk to the music.  Then we played on the park then we went to the movies, it was funny and I liked the part where the human came and he acted like a monster.  We had popcorn and coke at the theaters and had a bunch of fun.  I loved hanging out with you guys.

Love Marney

Kiki Weekly Blog 1

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

I had a lot of fun at the park. My favorite thing was going on a walk down to the tunnel, it was fun.  I also liked throwing the football through the spinning things, that was fun.  I also liked going to see Hotel Transylvania, it was fun.  My favorite part was when Mavis went to the fake town.  Going to the pool was a lot of fun.  I  liked going the hot tub and having a contest.

Love Kiki

Connor: Weekly Blog #1

Dear Grandma & Grandpa.

  I enjoyed spending time with you last week.  I found it quite fun to play card games with you Grandma.  I also loved the idea of going out to eat.  There were a few other things we did last week that I enjoyed.  I think that I had a lot of fun talking to you and playing Crazy eights with you.  I have much more to write about.
   I liked talking to Grandpa because of all the interesting facts he knows.  I enjoyed hanging out with you, Grandma, because it is always challenging to beat you at a card game.  I'm sure we, meaning the kids, all enjoyed swimming at the hotel pool.  I also know for a fact that I am glad you visited, because when you visit it's always a blast.  Grandpa, I liked watching that Colossal Squid documentary with you.  I love when you come to visit.
      You and the kids got to do a lot of cool things.  Of course the swimming part was very cool as well.  Grandma, you are very deft at crazy eights.  Grandpa I loved hearing about the moose you saw, it sounded amazing.  I loved talking to you, playing crazy eights with you, swimming, and talking with you.  I can't wait until we go to your house in May.
Your grandson,

Friday, October 26, 2012

Avery: Show And Tell

       My favorite thing I did with Grandma and Grandpa was seeing all the old cars at the La Quinta. I think they were doing something for the Marble Falls Homecoming Dance. I'm not too sure about it though. They were all old fashioned cars, which are my favorite. My favorite is the one that is a minty color with a black top. I don't have any pictures of it sadly.
 This one above is my second favorite. I like how it's really rusty and old.
 Here is a picture I took while all the cars were leaving the hotel.
 And another.
And yet another. The white one was Grandma and Gabe's favorite car there.

Gabe: Weekly Blog 1

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,
       I had a lot of fun with you last week. My favorite thing we did was working at the Helping Center Garden.  It was really fun picking peppers. The egg plants were cool too.  I loved the garden.
       I also really liked going to the Bee Cave park. I loved playing four square. Throwing the football was fun too.  Going on the walk was fun. That was a great day.
       I loved going to the hotel and staying the night. It was really fun getting in the hot tub and pool. I also loved playing board games. I loved spending the week with you guys. It was a great week.

Gabe: Show and Tell

        Last week was a great week because Grandma and Grandpa were here.  We did a lot and a lot of stuff, but my favorite was when we went to the Helping Center Garden. We planted, we harvested and we composted.  We planted dill and cilantro, it was really fun.  We harvested egg plants, black eyed peas, jalapeno peppers, bell peppers and okra. We also composted, they had two big compost bins. We had a lot of fun there and I can't wait to go back next month!  I loved their garden!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Kiki Show and Tell

Last week we went to the Helping Center Garden.  The first thing we did was making seed balls. We had to mix clay, soil and flower seeds together and make them into balls.  Then we made teams. I was on Grandma, Mom's, Bella's and Max's team. We had to pick eggplants. We got seven pounds and three ounces.  Then I peeled bananas and put them in the keyhole garden compost.


Avery: Weekly Blog

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,
       I had a lot of fun when you guys visited, we did a lot of stuff. But if I had to pick my favorite thing that we did all week, it would have to be when Gabe and I spent the night at  the hotel and we got to see all the cool old fashioned cars.  Which was your favorite?  Mine was the minty green one with the black roof. Or the really rusty looking one.  Where were they going? I can't remember at all.  I thought it was really cool when they were all driving away, it was like a mini car show!
       My next favorite thing we did was when we all went swimming in the La Quinta pool.  I didn't want to go at first, but then once I got there I had a lot of fun.  The water was so cold! Like icy cold water.  I think the people at the La Quinta were messing with us. Maybe they didn't want us swimming in their pool (dun dun duuun).  But that didn't stop us, most of the kids hardly got out of the pool, until candy was offered.
       And my 3rd favorite thing we did was when we went to see Hotel Transylvania.  I heard it was a really bad movie before we saw it, and I believed the reviews.  But when I saw the movie I thought it was a good movie. My favorite character was Dracula. I thought he was a lame character until he started raping at the end of the movie. Just like the cartoons, my jaw dropped.  I was surprised a vampire at his age could rap so well (and without auto-tune!).
       Write back soon,

Monday, October 22, 2012

10/22/12 Weekly Blog Post

It was great having Grandpa and Grandma visit, wasn't it?  For today's blog post, I want you to write a thank you letter to them and tell them the three things you did together that were the most fun.  Your post needs to be at least three paragraphs long.

10/22/12 Show and Tell

Tell us about something you did this last week with Grandma and Grandpa!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Connor: Show And Tell

Last weekend I made a model of an animal cell.  Animal cells are found in all animals, including humans.  I made the cell model out of jello and other assorted snacks.  Some parts of the cell were candy and the nucleus was a plum.  I enjoyed making the cell.  The list of ingredients are as follows: Plum(with pit), Gummy worms (regular), Gummy worms (Sour), Red Hots, Gumdrops, licorice, jelly beans, Jello, raisins.  Each candy represented a different part of the cell.  When the project was done I walked away with an entire cell and a bag of Rough ER.


Mason: Show And Tell

Wednesday I did Tae Kwon Do.  I am a blue belt right now, only three belts away for black belt.  My new form is called Tae Guek Oh Jang and it means Wind Substance Without Noise.  It has 20 steps.  I am doing this form to get my red belt.  Here are some pictures of me doing my form.  The three belts I need are: a red belt which I am trying to get, red black tip and red black.

Marney: Show and Tell

For my show and tell I am going to tell you guys about the last day of home school swimming.  On Wednesday we go swimming with all of the other home school people.  But since it is fall and it is getting cold we have to stop and start park day.  So on Wednesday we had our last swim day at the slab.  Not many people came but we still had fun.  Me and Grace talked about Halloween and we went down rapids and found a dead cat.  We had a bunch of fun.  I also played with Graces's cousin, her name was Abigail.  Then they both had to leave and we all tried to play live action mine craft.  Max and Jack had a fight over who gets to play with Bentley   Then Bella figured out that when I am around I am her buddy, but when Ava is around Ava is her buddy.  Here are some pictures of us at the slab.

Mason: Weekly Blog Post #1

My family went 
Camping at McKinney Falls
It was so much fun 

We told ghost stories 
dad's story was really good
we had a big fire

We all went hiking 
we invited two friends to
go camping with us

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Marney: Weekly Blog Post 1 (last week)

Dear Mom,

I got in first place and it was so fun.  I got to kill some zombies because they were killing me.  I also got to climb up to the top of a tree.  They never said this, but you also have to swim for a while.  I bet you know how I did on that.  I am so happy that I did not die.  There were tons of guts everywhere.  There were also a few other people that made it back alive but most of all, I am happy I am back.  I do not know why I started this in the first place because everyone knew I was going to get in first so I should not have gone in to the race.   I loved but at the same time hated it,  you should try it some day.


Gabe: Blog of the Week (last week)

Dear Mom,
     It is really awesome here. I almost got killed by one of the zombies.  At the beginning we started the race and it was fun, then we got to the zombies.  I ran past about ten zombies and got to a safe zone.  Then I got to an area with a lot of zombies so one almost pulled my health cord but I got away. I looked back and almost everybody had their cords pulled. But, I got to first place
     I got to the last area with 3 other people. There was about 70 zombies in this area.  I got all the way to the middle of the zombies with everyone else. One guy got his cord pulled so now its just me and 2 others.      The next guy fell and got his cord pulled so now its just me and 1 other. We were neck and neck but the last zombie got my cord. I miss you bye.


Mason: Weekly Blog Post #1 (last week)

Dear Mom,

I have entered the zombie run as a runner. Here are some of the rules: you are the zombie cannot hurt some one, the obstacle courses are optional, you can not bring weapons, you can not bring animals to the event, if the zombies take all your flags that does not mean that you are automatically a zombie, you cannot chase runners, or pick up flags from the ground, you are a zombie when you cross the finish line with no flags.  There are five hundred runners and I was one of them.  I did some of the obstacle courses and  the zombies took some of my flags when I crossed the finish line.  I had one flag left, I had a lot of fun and I want to do it a gen.


Gabe: Show and Tell

At Joan's Academy this week I had a lot of fun.  In gym class we played head ball.  In head ball you put a pantyhose over your face with a soft ball in the end and you swing your head in circles. When your balls get stuck together you pull and the last one with the ball still on their head wins. I love this game.

Kiki: Blog of the Week 1 (last week)

Dear Mom,
I just ran my first 5k run, it was fun.  It was hard to avoid the zombies. I kept on tripping so it was lot harder cause I did not use the right shoes.  I saw like eighty zombies and they all went after me. They didn't look like zombies, they looked like people with makeup on.  There were a ton of more people then I thought there would be there.  Some of the people looked like zombies and they got tired quick.  I named  all of the zombies that I saw, my favorite one was Joey.  When I finished I was super tired.

Love Kiki  

Gabe: Weekly Blog Post 1

The Fun of the First Day

We got there and swam.
Then we went and ate hot dogs.
We ate marshmallows.

The Great Hike

We went on a hike.
We got lost in the big woods.
Then we had pizza.

The Slow Last Day

We ate some breakfast.
And burned lots and lots of wood.
Then we drove back home.

Marney: Weekly Blog Post #1

The Falls Gone Wild 

We brought friends along 
It was Miki's birthday, yeah 
We slept in shelters.

We went on a hike 
We got lost Geo Cashing 
We had big fires.

We jumped off high cliffs 
And swam at the upper falls 
We had so much fun.

Kiki: Weekly Blog Post 1

We just went camping
we went to Mc Kinney falls
we stayed in shelters

We went on a hike
we looked for geocaches
we ate marshmallows

We had some pizza
and some super yummy hot dogs
and some yummy smores 

Kiki: Show and Tell

Last week we went camping and went swimming.  When I first got in the water it was super cold until  I went under water.  Then I went to jump off the cliff, it was scary at first but after the first try it wasn't any more.  Then me, Marney and Miki found a log and used it as a boat. We made it half way across.

Connor: Weekly Blog #1

Three Days of Camping
By Connor M. Jones
Last week we went on
A trip to McKinney falls.
It was very fun.

Mason brought manga,
The kids roasted marshmallows.
We told ghost stories.

We sat around the
campfire and ate breakfast.
We swam the first day.

Avery: Show and Tell

       For my show and tell this week I'm going to tell you about my Halloween costume!  I am going to be a skeleton rag doll thing... I'm not sure what to call it.  That's what I'm calling it for now.  I have the full costume planned and ready for Halloween.
      For the makeup I am going to use Halloween face paint.  I am going to put white face paint all over my face, neck, and arms.  Then I'm going to use black lipstick.  Next I am going to make my eyes look bigger and creepier using some eyeliner around my eyes.  Here is a picture from when I was practicing my makeup

       For my hair I am going to dye it all black and then curl it.  Then I am going to drown my hair in hairspray so it lasts all night.
        For the outfit part of my costume I am wearing a black tank top, striped tights that Kalli got me for our thing 1 and thing 2 costumes, and (my favorite part) I'm wearing an old black tutu.  You will see photos of the full costume later!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Avery: Blog Of The Week

Camping With the Jones Family
We make lots of jokes
and end up laughing all day,
Dad makes most of them.

We stare at the fire,
Dad has his own poking stick
to mess with the fire.

We stayed in shelters.
They were crappy screen shelters,
but I still had fun.

We brought two friends too,
They were Miki and Tristan.
They were both funny.

We went on a hike
and got lost in the forest
it was so funny.

Dad told a story
after we ate awesome smores.
He did a great job!

Monday, October 8, 2012

10/8/12 Weekly Blog Post

For this week's blog post, I want you to write a haiku about our camping adventure at McKinney Falls State Park.  Your haiku needs to be three stanzas long (three haikus) and can be about anything we did or saw while camping.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

10/8/2012- Show and Tell

You know what to do!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Connor: Show And Tell

      Today we are getting ready to go camping.  We are currently in the packing process.  We are going to be bringing friends with us.  We leave this afternoon and so we have to get everything ready.  Mommio is packing, I am doing school work, and Daddio is getting fire wood to take there.
     We are all excited about this camping trip.  We have two other people going with us.  Tristan, Gabe's best friend, and  Miki.  Boys and girls will be in different cabins, aside from Max and Jack.  When we get there we might all have to unpack.  Except maybe me, but everyone else almost certainly will.
      Here is a picture of Mommio getting everything packed

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Connor: Weekly Blog #1

Dear Mommio,

     I just ran in my first 5k run.  It was exciting and thrilling.  I was running as fast as I could and dodging obstacles.  It was an very quick race and each wave was ten min. after the last.  I was happy to be racing throughout the entire thing.  I was not the fastest person there, though.
     In this race the goal was to dodge zombies and other obstacles.  Basically a night of the living dead/ walking dead type of race.  Each racer got to wear costumes, mine was Leon S. Kennedy from Resident Evil 4.  We all formed teams to survive the apocalypse.  Some of us were zombified after we crossed the finish line.  Those who survived got medals that had the word survivor on them.
       The race was long and I was fatigued afterwards.  After my wave I went and watched other contestants.  My wave wasn't easy, for I had to dodge zombies and obstacles.  If the zombies get all your flags, then you are declared dead once you cross the finish line.  A lot of the people I had worked with had survived, only a few became zombies.  Fortunately, I was able to outrun the zombies and dodge the obstacles.

Marney: Show and Tell

For my show and tell I want to talk about Joan's.  I think that my favorite class in Joan's would be art.  I also like how I am in Middle School now and if I was not I would not get to see all my friends.  The first four weeks of school have been fun but one time I had to spend 20 minutes picking stickers out of my shoes.  I have finished reading Odysseus for English.  I am going to start inventing some things in Invent and Engineering.  I have been having so much fun with all of my friends.  I start to get tired half way though the day on Monday because I wake up early and am doing stuff all day.  I love Joan's.  Here is a picture of this week in Strategy Games.

Kiki Show and Tell

This week we went swimming at Devil's Waterhole and I had a lot  of fun.  First I  didn't want to get in because it was super cold.  I also found a lot of lizards, I got two. I named all of the lizards, like Lily and Rickey.  Then I swam to the end of the lake and there were a lot of minnows.  Then I  jumped off the cliff like twenty times, it was my favorite time of the day.  I had a great day.

Avery: Show and Tell

       For my Show and Tell, I would like to tell you about Teen Night.  On the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month Mason, Connor and I get to meet up with our friends at Dairy Queen or someone else's house.  This week we all met up at the Benac's house (Laura and Christopher's house).
       Connor, Mason, Bentley, Jonah, Chase and Christopher hung out playing video games and the Game of Life.  Since the girls and guys didn't want to hang out with each other Laura, Kalli, Elise and I all played Apples to Apples (I won!), listened to lots of music and sang really loudly, played Just Dance 3 on the Wii, watched Raising Hope, and took a ton of pictures.
       Here is a few pictures we took.  Elise is censored out because her face can't be shown.  But she said she would enjoy being a cat.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Avery: Blog Of The Week

Dear Mumzy,
       I had an interesting time at the Zombie Run.  The thing I didn't tell you before I left is that I'm a zombie!  I decided that I would like to be a zombie in the race.  I know I'm to young to be in it, but I know a guy that helped me get in.  I got to dress up, get covered in fake blood and three pounds of zombie makeup, and the best part was that I got to chase people around!
       The only bad part was that I almost got kicked out because I accidentally ran into a runner.  But they said they were fine and all was good and none of the other zombies saw, so I got to stay in the race.  No one was really hurt though, I just bumped into them while chasing others.
       I caught four health flags, all from different people.  I was so proud.  But I had a competition with another zombie to see who could get the most flags and I lost.  Harold (the other zombie) got seven flags, two from the same person.  I gave him five dollars. I said I would give him ten, but I forgot and spent half of it on a shirt.
       Be home soon,
       Love, Ava

Gabe: Show and Tell

I did my Discover Green event this weekend and it was awesome. We cleaned a lot of trash out of the creek including some weird things like a chain.  We made it flow much better and we will be going back on the 20th with older kids to get the harder stuff out of the creek. Look at what we did.

Monday, October 1, 2012

10/1/2012- Show and Tell

Tell us something interesting about yourself!  Remember to include details and add pictures if you can.

10/1/12 Weekly Blog Post

See that up there?  That's someone running the 5k Run For Your Lives Zombie Run!  What?  A 5k race where you have to avoid zombies?  That's right.  Go here to read the rules.  Then for your post, I want you to pretend that you just ran your first 5k zombie run.  Write a letter to Mommio explaining to her what it was, how it worked and how you did.