Monday, August 2, 2010

Daddio: Book Update, Bowling Luck and Jury Summons

Just an update on my awesome book.  After 49,000+ words, the first part (there will be three parts total) of the book is finished.  Before I move on to the second and third sections to finish the book, I want to do a close reread of the first part and rewrite a few things I know I want to change.  Then I want to get some feedback from the kids.  Depending on their feedback, I may change more, or move on to the second part.

ALSO- I need everyone's luck.  This Wednesday night is my law firm's annual bowling tournament.  Please send me best wishes so that I don't embarrass myself.

Finally, Mommio and I both got jury summons to serve at the same time.  How ridiculous is that?  Because she's a stay at home mom, she's exempt and doesn't have to serve.  I filled out my questionnaire this morning and gave the dates that I can't make it.  I've never served on a jury (they always reject the lawyers from the jury pool- I do it too for my own trials), and it would stink having to spend a few days away from work and other stuff to serve.  But it would be pretty cool to see what a trial is like from the juror's perspective. Ideally, I'd like to get picked for a small one or two day trial, just for the experience of it.



Good luck on Wednesday...I know that you will just bowl all strikes and spares. You will also be the best dressed bowler there. By the way...can't wait to read that I going to get a peek?


Oh no! An 87! Third to last! We had fun, though.

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