Friday, August 27, 2010

Connor: Doom Chapter 4

With Hades as an enemy I knew things were bad.  Luckily for me I found a whole group of friends in the underworld.  I heard some cool stories and met famous people.  Theseus, whom had died twenty years before me, was telling everyone how he had slain the minotaur, a dangerous half man half bull.  Perseus told of his killing Medusa and about how he killed his grandfather without meaning to.  I told of my adventures in Troy and everyone around me was dumbfounded.  Orpheus told of how after his wife died he came here to get her back.  All I can say is everyone had a sad tale to tell, most involving wars, lovers, heroic deeds and the gods.  I will say I met a few hot girls down here. Pandora, whom opened a box releasing many terrible things into our world. Persephone, queen of this realm, wife of Hades, whom was kidnapped from Olympus and Earth by her so called husband.  Everyone seemed to hate Hades, which I understood perfectly.  I wished I had survived the war, but Paris was a jerk.  Hector still hunts me and I still evade him so we're pretty much even.  Being in this realm is a living hell and I mean it.  Suddenly I noticed the worst possible thing ever, an angry mob lead by the Rich One himself.  Oh Zeus, why did I come hear to be judged, why?  I was soon locked up in a terrible cell sitting next to a noisy and quite smelly satyr.  The satyr said his name was Pan and said that we should take care of nature.  A lot of good that would do me. I was trapped in the realm of the dead over twenty million feet underground in a cell with a smelly satyr.


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