Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mommio: Art Class

The kids finished DaVinci by making self-portraits for homework.  They all did a great job using their new color wash techniques for skin tones.  Here they are-
In class this week we started our study of Michelangelo by listening to a excerpt from this cd-
 We learned that he was already an accomplished sculptor as a teenager and was sought after by rich and famous people during his time to create personal sculptures for their homes and gardens.  We also learned about the challenge he faced when making his famous statue of David.
The kids tried out two different types of sculpture today.  First, we carved apples to create shrunken heads.  We peeled the apples,
 Cut slits for the facial features,
 Soaked them in lemon and salt water,
 Then set them up to dry.  Over the next several weeks they will dry out and shrink into what we hope are some creepy little heads that the kids will decorate.
We also tried out making some soap sculptures. 
 The kids found the soap pretty hard to work with, but that didn't stop the girls from spending the next hour creating "soap cities". 
 Next week we will study the Sistine Chapel and do some upside down painting.
*Toes- What was your favorite part of art class this week? Leave a comment.



i like the wash


Carving the soap.


makeing the faces


I loved painting the self portraits and carving soap and apples. Although I kind of wish I could eat my apple. Smell ya later

Nana did great works of art and made the house smell so good....I am proud.

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