Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mommio: Art Class

This week in art class we continued our study of Giotto, focusing on his famous frescoes.  Here is a video of some of his well known paintings that can be found in the Arena Chapel in Padua, Italy.

After sharing our colorful scratch art homework from last time...
 We started to make some of our own frescoes.  First, the kids covered chip board with a thick coat of plaster using putty knives.
These take a few hours to dry so I made some ahead of time with Gabe to paint on in class and the ones the kids plastered in class will be used for homework.
 Next the kids drew their images directly onto the plaster with a pencil.  They tried to show scenes that include emotions of people. Giotto was known for being one of the first artists in his time to show emotions in his paintings.
Then they all used their artists watercolor sets and round brushes to paint their images.
 The colors absorb into the plaster underneath- giving it a very different look from watercolors on paper. more fresco.  Next time we move on to the Limbourg brothers who were hired artisans for the Duke of Berry in early 1400's France.



I love art class. The kids get to do so many fun things and learn so much about art. You are a great Art Teacher. Thanks Jen.

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