Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mommio: Our Week

All this week we are trying out the No Impact challenge to improve our environmental awareness in honor of Earth Day.  Some of it will be challenging for us (like switching coffee for tea for the week) and some of it will be fun (like the kids want to try washing their clothes in the bath with the grape-stomp method) and some of it will be helpful (like making less trash, watching less TV and using less electricity).  Today is Consumption Day, where we focus on not buying anything new (other than food) or unnecessary for the week.  Other than that craziness, here are our plans for the week:
M- Trash Day (try to make less trash for the week), Mason & Gabe archery class, school, Poe Unit Study, Weaver's Bottom or Inks Lake, Gabe podiatrist
T- Transportation Day (learn how to travel more efficiently), Nana Day, Connor leg doctor, Jack well-check
W- Food Day (try to eat more fresh foods), school, Poe Unit Study, Weaver's visit, house chores, Max-Kiki yoga class, RPG night
T- Energy Day (use less electricity), school, Poe Unit Study, Avery-Gabe-Marney yoga class, Connor-Mason Teen Library League
F- Water Day (use less water), school, Poe Unit Study, art and music with Weaver's, family movie night (or, skip all that and go watch high school kids launch rockets)
S- Giving Back Day (find ways to volunteer locally), Ava-Marney-Jack-Max 5K walk with Nana & Popo, family day (rocket watching or letterboxing), Connor & Daddio chemistry
S- Eco-Sabbath Day (we are supposed to take a break from all things electric on this day and just spend time together), yard chores, science with Daddio, guitar lessons with Daddio



This should be a fun week. Can wait to see it unfold.

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