Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Connor: Blog Of The Day (yesterday)

The Jabberwocky
I think the Jabberwocky meant that sometimes anyone could face their fears.  The Jabberwocky kind of inspires me the way the classic stories of the knight slaying the dragon inspires most people.  I think frabjous meant wonderful, great, extraordinary.  I think that this points to the well known phrase "there's nothing to fear but fear itself."  The Jabberwocky was probably the best poem ever written in my opinion.   I guess the Tumtum tree meant a big, fat tree.  The Jabberwocky involves more monsters than just the main monster.  The jubjub bird sounds extra dangerous.  The Jabberwocky seems to be very vicious.  I think this poem was written to tell people that you can stand up to whatever fears you have whether it be bullies, nightmares, the dark, or anything.



Connor..this is one of Popo's favorites. I think you hit the nail on the head and said it beautifully. You have such a great way of stinging words together...it is a joy to read what you write.

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