Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Connor: Blog Of The Day

The Strange Day
By Connor
One day I was working in my back yard.  Suddenly I saw what looked like a laser beam zap my neighbor's house.  There strangely wasn't any flames I looked up just in time to see a discus shaped object gliding away.  I went over to my neighbor's place to check on him.  When I got there I saw the effects of the laser, there in my neighbor's living room was my neighbor kissing his girlfriend who died last year.  This was weird considering that the woman I saw my neighbor kissing had no body and hear head was in a frame.  I exited my neighbor's home just in time to see the pictures of my long dead pets walking out of my home.  The boxer dog licked me and meowed for some strange reason.  The picture of my cat started purring and then barked at my neighbor who has a job as a mailman.  This was weirder I found that the picture of my poodle was speaking french which is the same language that my neighbor's dead girlfriend spoke.  Then the discus came back and fired another beam  and the next thing I know my pets are alive again and acting the way they're supposed to.
The End



Very interesting story about the picture of the man kissing the girl in the box.

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