Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Avery: Blog Of The Day

The New Raven
By Avery
One day I was sitting on the couch and I heard someone knocking on my window.
     "Who is it?"
     " Just me sir. Your servant."
     " Oh... just push the green button and you can come in."
     " Thank you."
     The servant was a robot with an apron on. It was made of pure gold and a little bit of brains. The brains are in him because he needs to know things. For some reason I looked out the window and it was snowing! I got on my mittens and coat on and ran outside. I made snow angels and threw snowballs at my servant. But then I saw all of the people playing with their girlfriends and it made me so sad and reminded me of Lenor, my dog. I lost her when I went to the park.
     " Lenor!!!!! Where are you?!", I yelled in a sad voice.
     I ran inside and started crying. I looked at my blue curtains and then crawled to them. I tore a piece of curtain and wiped my tears with it. I also blew my nose a lot. Again there was a knocking on my window.
     " Come in."
     " Hello? Is anyone out there?"
     I ran to the window in fear and saw that it was just a giant spider trying to get inside  my house.
     "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! A spider! Shoo, shoo, get away spider!!!!!!!!!!"
     I let it in through the window. It  came in and crawled up my leg. I tried to get it off, but it bit me! I got wire cutters and took the spider off with them. I ran to the window and dropped the spider into the snow. I shut the window and closed the curtains. Then, I fell asleep and started snoring, and I had a horrible dream that was so bad that no one else could dream about it. 
     " Henry!!??", I screamed to my servant.
     " Yes sir?"
     " I need you to start my bubble bath."
     " Okay."
     Henry left.
     " Oh... Lenor. I miss you so much.
     " Lenor.", said Henry in an annoying voice.
     " Why are you doing that?"
     " Oh... I just read this book call The Raven and in it a guy said Lenor and then the name echoed back to him, so I thought it would be funny if I did it."
     " Well your just making me even sadder. Is my bath ready?"
     " Yes, yes it is."
     " Thanks."
     I ran to the bathroom and got in the bath. It was so hot that I stood up and let it cool off. While I waited I got all of my rubber duckies and put them in the bath. I felt kind of stupid because I was running around the house naked looking for ducks. About half an hour later I went to the bath and sat down in it. Suddenly one of my ducks stood up and started kicking me in the face.
     " Ouch! that hurts. I thought you were fake."
     " Well I'm not. Now, I heard you miss your dog."
     " Yeah, but why do you care?"
     " Because, I know where she is."
     " You do?!"
     " Yeah. But if you want information you need to turn on the jets."
     " What do you mean?"
     " I'm trying to tell you to turn on your bath jets so that the bubbles will get bigger."
     " Okay.", I turned on the jets and the bubbles started to rise.
     " Good. Now what do you  want to know?"
     " I want to know where my dog, Lenor, is."
     " She is dead."
     " What????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
     " Yeah, she's dead."
     " How did she die?"
     " She was swimming and then she drowned."
     " She was swimming?!"
     " Yep, at Dripping Springs."
     " Okay."
     I got out of the bath and put on my robe. I got the talking duck and put it on top of my fireplace. So it sat there all day. And it is still sleeping and eating right above my fireplace.
The End



Great much detail and action...loved it.

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