Thursday, April 1, 2010

Avery: Blog Of The Day

The Amazing Prince Coocoobutt
By Avery
One foggy morning a prince named Prince Coocoobutt went outside to play with his friends. Prince Coocoobutt is the best prince dog in the world. He was prince because he saved all puppies from Godzilla and he played Toto in The Wizard Of Oz. Every one of his friends would always talk to him about how good he was in the movie.
     "I want to see the movie again, you were so good at it.", said his friend Max.
     "I want to see it too.", said his other friend.
     "Sure, but only if you bring snacks.", said the prince.
     Max was super excited, so excited that he ran around in circles and tried to chase his tale.
     " Prince Coocoobutt, time to go inside. And bring your friends with you, we are having snack. We are having bones and spring water", said his butler with a big sigh.
     The prince and his friends went inside and sat on their doggy beds. The butler brought them some doggy bones and water. The prince took a tiny bite of his food and then got up. He ran upstairs to his stylist and sat in a little chair. The girl came to him and patted him on the head.
     "Hello prince. Would you like a little hair cut or a new outfit? I have the perfect style just for you. I am going to shave your fur and put this funny hat on your head. Don't forget the shirt.", said the stylist as she started to shave his fur.
     An hour later he looked very pretty and nice and fancy. He ran downstairs and showed off his fur. All of the dogs there were amazed and surprised that the girl did such a good job doing his fur. Coocoobutt ran outside and onto the sidewalk. Walked to the park and saw a beautiful German  Shepard. He tried to get her to look at his fur, but she wouldn't. So he ran up to her and started talking about how cool she looks and how nice she is.
     "Hey beautiful. How are you?"
     " Great and you?"
     " Amazed."
     " Why?"
     " Because I saw you."
     " Okay. Um... are you from here?"
     " No. I.. I mean yes."
     " Are you the dog from the Wizard of Oz?"
     " Yeah. Are you in any movies?"
     " No. Oh and I don't go out with rich dogs. I like normal, nice and not rich breeds."
     " But I'm a prince. How could you not love a prince?"
     " Are you nice to the earth?"
     " Well... I throw trash on the floor and poop in the grass. I also pee on trees."
     " That just makes it worse. Later!!!!!!!!!!"
     " Wait a minute."
     " What?"
     " Was my french accent bad?"
     " Gosh. Why can't you just leave me alone?!"
     " Because you are cute and have long fur."
     " Oh... so you only like me for the way I look?"
     " No!!!!!"
     " Just get away! I don't need you in my life! Your just a selfish prince who won't stop crying until you get what you want!", said the Shepard as she ran away.
     Coocoobutt ran away and hid in a box. About an hour later the prince got out of the box and started talking to himself.
     " Why can't I get a girl like her to be my girlfriend? Maybe I can write a love letter and send it to her. Wait a minute I don't have fingers, I just have paws."
     The prince ran outside and to the German Shepard's house. He went to her bedroom to look for her.
     " Who is it?"
     " Me, the prince."
     " Oh... get away!"
     " Why?"
     " Because it is my room and I told you to leave!!!!"
     " I just wanted to say sorry."
     " Okay. Now leave."
     " Look, I'm am so, so sorry I was mean to you. I started being nice to the earth."
     " How?"
     "  I am using this doggy potty now. I don't throw stuff on the ground and I stopped watching tv so that we won't waste electricity"
     " Really?"
     " Yes. I did it all for you."
     " That is really nice of you. I guess I could give you a second chance."
     " Thanks."
     " Your welcome."
     A few years later the two dogs got married and became king and queen.

The End



Great use of dialog...tons of detail...good story. Love your writing.

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