Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Avery: Blog Of The Day (Monday)

Cooking Time
By Avery
One day a woman named Carter went to the store. She went to the candy aisle first so that she could make a sweet treat.
     " Okay, now that I got the jelly beans I can get the milk.", Carter said as she started walking to the milk.
     " I am so glad I get to be on a cooking show. I can actually meet the great gourmet chef, Carlos! He is so good at cooking. Maybe I could make my own cooking show some day. Wait a minute... I am on my own cooking show. But the bad thing is that I don't know how to make a super fancy gourmet meal."
     She ran to the check out counter and put her food on it. For some reason she saw pickles on the counter.
     " Sorry but I didn't get pickles today. Could you please take them off the counter?"
     " Sure. But I just want to know one more thing."
     " What is it?"
     " Are you very sure that you did not buy any pickles?"
     " Yes, I am very sure of it."
     " Good. That will be $25.62."
     " Here you go."
     " Thanks."
     " Your welcome."
     Carter drove home and put her stuff away. Her phone started ringing, the ring tone sounded like a monkey eating a banana. She looked at her phone and saw that she got a text message from Carlos the cook, it said "It's me Carlos. You need to get here fast, we're about to start the show." Carter ran to her car and slipped because it was super slippery. She looked down and saw a little puddle of water. Well... It was a big puddle not a little one. She got up and got in her car. Thirty minutes later she was at the studio.
     "Hi, Carter! How are you?!", said a voice.
     " Carlos?!"
     " Yeah?"
     " Oh my gosh, I am so excited!"
     " I  know you are."
     They ran into the studio and both tripped on a rope. They got up and looked around. They couldn't find out who did it, so they just started walking.
     " And... Action!!!!", yelled the director.
     " Hi, I'm Carlos the cook and today we are going to make one of my favorite gourmet meals, Russian Salad. Oh no... I almost forgot to tell you that today Carter Cook is making the Russian Salad with us!" he said as Carter walked onto the stage.
     "Hi Carlos, I am so happy to be on Cooking Time with you today."
     " Me too. I mean that I am happy you are here, okay."
     " Sure."
     " Okay, so today for our Russian Salad we are going to need mushrooms, lobster meat, turkey meat, broccoli, olives, pepper and lettuce."
     " I got the meats and the olives.", she said as she held up the turkey.
     " And I have the lettuce, broccoli, pepper and mushrooms."
     " So, Carlos, what tools do we need to make it?"
     " Well, a parrot, a spoon, pan, spatula, knife and gloves."
     " Why gloves?"
     " Because if we're handling meat we might want to put gloves on."
     " Oh... right."
     " First we need to put the meat in a pan. We need to chop the meat up into really small pieces okay?"
     " Got it."
     " While the meat is cooking we can chop up our veggies."
     " I have the knife."
     " Now I need you to chop up the lettuce, olives and mushrooms, I'll chop up the broccoli."
     " Why do I have to chop up most of it?"
     " Well the broccoli needs to be cut up in a very fancy way."
     " Okay."
     " Carter could you go chop up some of the meat with the spatula for me, please?"
     " Yeah sure."
     " Thank you."
     " You're welcome. Hey... can I put the pepper on the meat now?"
     " Yeah sure, please do."
     " The meat is cooked Carlos."
     " Then we should put the veggies in with the meat."
     " Got it."
     " Hey... Lulu!"
     " Who's Lulu?"
     " The parrot."
     " Oh."
     " Here she is."
     " Why do we need Lulu?"
     " Because today I was playing pirates with my kids and they told me to act like a pirate on my show."
     " Cool."
     " I know."
     " While the veggies are cooking I will get out a plate."
     " Good and I will get out some dressing."
     " Ouch!"
     " What happened?"
     " The knife cut me."
     " Here, This bandaid will help you."
     " Thanks."
     " Your welcome"
     " Oh... the food is ready."
     " Great!"
     " Just mix all the food up and ta da!"
     " You have a Russian Salad", Said Carter Cook as she held up the salad.
     " Just put the ranch on and you can eat it."
     " Thank you for having me here Carlos."
     " Your welcome."
     " Cut!"
     They walked off the stage and got out their spoons and started eating the salad. So I think you learned a few lessons in this story.
1- Russian Salad is a real meal and you should make it some day.
2- You should never cut yourself with a knife.
The End



Great story...good way to get the parrot into the story...very smart. Loved it.

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