Monday, February 6, 2012

Daddio: 2/6/12 Weekly Blog Post 1

Have you met your sister, Ava?  She decided a long time ago that she wanted to start her own yoga business.  So she investigated what needed to be done, contacted a bunch of people and now she's teaching yoga classes to kids and working towards getting certified.

For this blog post, I want you to come up with an idea for your own business.  Think of something that you could: (1) sell; (2) teach; or (3) do for other people.  Do you want to cut hair or sell Flarp?  I want you to really spend some time thinking about something that you would like to do in real life for your own business.  Once you've come up with an idea, then I want you to post up the steps you think you'd have to take to start that business.  For example, if you want to cut hair, you might have to learn how to cut hair- then find volunteers to practice on- then find a way to get customers- etc.

Your business idea can't be cutting hair or making Flarp.


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