Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Connor: Blog Of the Day 1

Step I.  Study more history and paleontology or archaeology.
Step II. Go to college.
Step III.  Stay in college long enough to get a doctorate in paleontology or archaeology.
Step IV. Apply for a job in one of the two fields.
Step V. Dig for artifacts or fossils, depending on the career I choose.
Step VI. Proceed with step V as well as give speeches at schools on the field I chose.
Step VII.  Proceed with steps V and VI and study further into the field.
Step VIII. Proceed with step VII until I know everything about fossils or ancient civilizations as every other person in the field.
Step IX.  Never teach in an institute, because it is not as hands on or exciting as actually working on digging up fossils.
Step X. Write theories on dinosaur behavior, if dinosaur DNA can be reproduced for scientific research study living breathing herbivores, or write theories on how ancient civilizations might have crumbled.


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