Sunday, October 25, 2009

Avery: What I Did Yesterday

Yesterday was chore day. It was fun, but some of it wasn't. We moved all of the mulch, from the mulch pile, along our back gate and the gate by our dog run. It took us hours to move all of it. At night Gabe, Connor, and I played Heroscape without dad. Gabe and Connor had huge armies and I had a small one. I lost and it was just Connor and Gabe playing. At the end Gabe won and Connor lost. I can't wait until next Saturday.



me too and Avery nice team. I came close to winning. smell ya latter


The mulch looks great...good work guys. It took a long time to do but your work made the yard look so good and it couldn't have been done if all of you guys didn't help out. Great team work.

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