Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Daddio: A Good Day

What a good a day. I got into the office today and found out that we got an exciting new case from a new client that I helped convince to use our firm. Then I went bowling and was pretty happy with my results (more on that later) and later tonight is D&D. So it appears that this is going to be one of the best day in the history of Daddio.

Bowling update -- Okay, the bad news first: my scores were only an 86 a 91 and an 82. But I'm not worried about my scores and I'm actually happy with how I did today because I was able to make some serious improvements on my technique. I'm now getting the ball to hook in the proper direction (it was originally hooking in the opposite direction -- away from me -- known as a back up ball) and with a semi-consistent trajectory. All I ever want is to feel like I'm making improvement, and I felt like I was today. So I think it was a good day.



have a good day I love you by by


It sounds like you had a great day...that is wonderful...we all love you ...

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