Saturday, October 17, 2009

Avery: What I Did Today

Today was very busy! The first thing that Gabe did after breakfast is he went and picked all the radishes from our garden with dad! We had a lot of giant ones. Later in the day we all did our chores. I had to vacuum, Mason had to mop, and Gabe had to clean the rat's cage. after we did our chores we had lunch. we had hot dogs. after we ate our lunch mom and Dad went to get stuff down from the attic, so that we could get stuff for our Halloween costumes. I am going to be an elf! At night Gabe and I had a hand and foot combat. I won! Gabe still did a really good job. I just can't wait for tomorrow.



It was a very busy forgot to add that you did science too. Your radishes are the best...I ate two of them...yummy. Can't believe you beat Gabe in a hand and foot combat...way to go girl...see you tomorrow.

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