Thursday, October 8, 2009

Daddio: OH YES! (Bowling Update)

Whew. Well now I feel better. I realized that my problem yesterday was that I was trying too hard to make sure that my cool, new, expensive ball hooked and reacted the way it's supposed to. And in doing so, I was screwing everything up. So today I went back to basics.

Today I decided that I would forget about getting the ball to hook, and instead I just wanted to get a form I was comfortable with and that could get the ball to consistently go exactly where I intended it to go. So with a little bit of trial and error, it worked.

Long story short -- the ball hardly hooked at all, but went exactly where I wanted it to. This has made me happier than you can imagine, because now working off this basic form, I can start tweaking the elements of my game (the release, the approach, etc.) and continue improving. Just like when I was practicing for the tournament, I expect that I'll get a little bit better each week.

Today's scores: 97 and 106. MUCH better.



way to go ya

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