Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mommio: Art Class

This week in art class at Weaver's Bottom we talked more about murals.  We learned that the ancient Egyptians used graph systems on the walls of their tombs to recreate small drawings into large murals like these in the Tomb of Nakht:

First the kids drew their own small drawings on regular paper with a grid of squares, like this one Kiki made of two houses:

Next the kids learned how to snap chalk lines to recreate the grid pattern on a large piece of paper on the wall.  They each had a piece of string and some red chalk, coated their string with the chalk and then used a buddy system to help snap the lines on the paper.  They all had fun doing this and were surprisingly good at it:

After the grid was in place the kids recreated their pictures with oil pastels on their mural paper by looking at each individual square and drawing what they saw there.  At first some of them wanted to just draw the entire picture at once, but after they caught on to doing it a little at a time they really understood how simple it was:

  They did an awesome job (again):



Way cool...I want the kids to show me how to do this. We could paint the sides of builings.

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