Friday, January 8, 2010

2009 Vacation: Day 12

All good things must come to an end. So it is with our vacation. Today is the last day and, after nearly two weeks of living in this beautiful house, we need to pack everything up and clean the place up before we leave at 5:00 am tomorrow morning. And everyone gets their share of the work, like Ava here, vacuuming the kitchen.

 Gabe's job for most of the morning was to play and occupy the two youngest so that they weren't in the way while everyone else was cleaning up.

One of my jobs was to organize the DVDs while doing an impersonation of Reverend Jim from Taxi.

Christopher Lloyd? Taxi? C'mon people. Work with me here.

It took several kids to haul the boxes and bags down the stairs to the staging area near the front door-- next stop: Van Go!

We also had a bit of excitement mid day as Marney decided it was finally time for us to yank the tooth out of her head. Knowing that our attempts from the day before had failed, I promised to tell her a life-changing secret if she would let us try my method of pulling her tooth. My "method" involved me pinning her arms to her sides and holding her head back while someone yanked the tooth out of her mouth. Before agreeing, she wanted to know more about this secret. All I would tell her is that it was huge, would change her life, and only her older brothers and sister knew it. Reluctantly she agreed.

Success! We wanted a picture right away, but she wanted to rinse all the blood out of her mouth first.

Oh snap! Three teeth in one vacation! That has to be a record or something.

After everyone calmed down, we took her into another room and I told her the big secret about the Tooth Fairy and other related holiday friends. At first, as you see in this picture, she was concerned and didn't believe me.

After Jen confirmed that I was telling the truth (I'm the first to acknowledge that I have a credibility problem), she finally believed it and thought it was the coolest, most elaborate conspiracy secret ever.

We then let her tell Kiki the secret.

Kiki professed, "I knew it!"

That's it for now. Almost all the packing is done and we're just going to be lazy and try not to make too much of a mess for the rest of the day.

So this concludes our vacation. I won't be posting the trip home since we covered all that territory on the way out here. Check back next year for another exciting 100 Toes vacation adventure.



Best vacation glad you are coming home..smell all you Ten Toes later.

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