Thursday, January 7, 2010

2009 Vacation: Day 11

Plans changed today due to two significant events. The first was that when I woke up this morning, I felt as if something was wrong with my surgery. There's still significant swelling and, even though I'm having no new pain or discomfort, I'm concerned about it. Maybe walking 2.5 miles yesterday wasn't the best idea. My plan was to take it easy and don't do anything strenuous. I'm seeing my surgeon on Monday, so we'll find out then.

The other problem is that Jack woke up with a 101.5 fever. We think he has two teeth coming in. Anyhow, he felt like crap.

This morning we saw several pods of dolphins swim by and it was just about the coolest thing ever! I looked it up online and it said it was probably pilot whales (which are actually dophins) but I'm not sure they were big enough to be pilot whales. Anyhow, Jen was only able to get this one shot of one's fin as it was swimming.

Instead of going to Fort Raleigh, we decided to have a family day. We played Monopoly Deal and Scrabble Slam-- both games we got from Grandma and Grandpa when we stopped at their house on the trip here. They were great. The kids especially liked the scrabble game.

Jen then took the younger kids down to the beach to play and make sandcastles.

Holy cow! Are we about to lose our third tooth of this vacation? What the what? Marney (who just lost one of her butt teeth a couple of days ago) is about to lose her other butt tooth! The problem is that every time you start to pull it, she pushes your hands away and jerks her head back. I've taken a half dozen tries at it and she keeps foiling my attempts.

She even tried herself, with no success.

Even when her Nana tried to get her to do it over the Skype video call- she still couldn't do it.

Oh and by the way, the baby didn't feel much better by the end of the day.

Tonight: the college football championship!



Hope you all start to feel better and Marney donesn't swallow that butt tooth.

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